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词汇 ophelia
释义 ophelia
In this play the plot develops according to two clues, of which the process of Hamlets revenge is the major one while the development of love between Hamlet and Ophelia is subordinate.
《哈姆雷特》戏剧情节的发展包含两条线索,主要线索是哈姆雷特的复仇过程,次要线索是哈姆雷特与奥菲利娅的爱情历程。 dictall

Little did he think that it was a grave for his dear Ophelia.
他万万没想到这个墓穴是用来埋葬他心爱的欧菲莉亚的。 zftrans

The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in your orisons.
美丽的奥菲丽亚!圣女,在你的祈祷里。 poemlife

Upon hearing Laertes' words, Hamlet rushed out of the bushes and jumped into the grave. He intended to take Ophelia into his arms.
哈姆雷特一听到莱尔提斯的话,立刻从矮丛后冲出来跳进墓穴中。他想要把欧菲莉亚抱入怀中。 eduzhai

After Hamlet and Horatio had left the grave of Ophelia, the king called Laertes to him and told him that he had an idea.

Before Hamlet fell into the melancholy way, he had dearly loved a fair maid called Ophelia, the daughter of Polonius, the king's chief counsellor in affairs of state.
在哈姆雷特王子没有陷入这种忧郁症以前,他热恋一个名叫奥菲丽娅的美好姑娘,国王首席国事顾问波洛牛斯的女儿。 yahoo

He hardly ever spoke to Ophelia, a beautiful lady whom he had deeply loved.
他几乎不曾跟他深爱的美丽的欧菲莉亚说过话。 ebigear

He thought that Hamlet had gone mad because of his love for Ophelia.
他认为哈姆雷特是因为爱欧菲莉亚才发疯的。 ebigear

I'm playing the part of Ophelia.
我演的是奥菲莉娅。 wordreference

Miss Ophelia had spent a quiet existence of some forty-five years , when her cousin invited her to visit his southern mansion.
当堂弟来邀请她到南方他家里去时,奥菲丽亚小姐已度过了四十五个清净的春秋。 jukuu

She had bits of straw and hay in her hair, not like Ophelia through having gone mad from the contagion of Hamlet's madness, but because she had slept in the loft of some stable.
她头发里有些麦秆皮和草屑,但不象那个受了哈姆莱特疯病感染而癫狂的奥菲利娅,而是因为她曾在某个马厩的草堆上睡过觉。 ebigear

Ophelia was too surprised at his words to say anything to him.
欧菲莉亚对于他所说的话大感吃惊,以致于搭不上他的话。 ebigear

Ophelia, like most of the girls on this list, is young up- and-comer with some nice roles in a couple of films.
奥菲利亚,像大多数名单中的女孩子一样,年轻并且在两三部影片中获得了较好的角色。 yeeyan

Ophelia, you are one of these dirty ones, too. Go to a nunnery. Go away right now, you dirty woman!
欧菲莉亚,你也是其中之一,去女修道院,现在就去,你这卑劣的女人。 tianya




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