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词汇 assassin
释义 as·sas·sin 英əˈsæsɪn美əˈsæsɪnAHDə-săsʹĭn ★☆☆☆☆高IT四八COCA¹²⁴²⁷BNC¹⁴⁰²⁵iWeb⁸³⁴⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a murderer especially one who kills a prominent political figure who kills by a surprise attack and often is hired to do the deed;

his assassins were hunted down like animals

assassinators of kings and emperors

a member of a secret order of Muslims founded in the 12th century who terrorized and killed Christian Crusaders来自阿拉伯语,本意是“吸食麻醉剂的人”。中世纪期间,在中东地区有一个伊斯兰极端派别及暗杀组织阿萨辛派,为首者是大名鼎鼎的“山中老人”。据说,该组织为了培养刺客,专门修建了一个极其美丽的乐园,内置有美女美食。他们让受训者吸食一种麻醉剂,乘其昏迷之际移入乐园。受训者苏醒后,误以为自己到了天堂,纵情享乐数日后再次被麻醉剂麻醉,返回人间。受训者见识过天堂的美好之后,便对组织忠心不二,杀敌时英勇无比,以求死后能够重返天堂。受训者吸食的毒品在阿拉伯语中叫做hashish,所以该组织培养出的刺客就被称为hashishin阿萨辛,本意是“吸食hashish的人”。英语单词assassin刺客就是由阿拉伯语hashishin演变而来的。“山中老人”及其培养的暗杀组织“阿萨辛派”给西方人带来极大震撼。在西方众多著作如《基督山伯爵》、《马可波罗游记》中,都对此有所记载。在金庸的武侠名著《倚天屠龙记》,“山中老人”被塑造成了武林高手霍山,也就是乾坤大挪移的创始人。近义词 man男人thug暴徒butcher屠夫hit打击bravo好极了killer杀人者slayer杀人者gunman持枪者sniper狙击兵gangster匪徒criminal罪犯murderer杀人犯triggerman刺客cutthroat杀人的hit man职业杀手hatchet短柄小斧dispatcher调度员man-killer杀人者executioner刽子手assassinator暗杀者hired gun受雇做某事的专家…hatchet man受雇的杀人凶手…manslayer杀人者, 律过失杀人…

用作名词He is a cruelassassin.他是个残忍的杀手。
Theassassinwas wanted by the police nationwide.那个暗杀者被警方的全国通缉。
He fell a victim to the dagger of theassassin.他死于刺客的匕首之下。
He hired anassassinto kill his competitor.他雇用了一名刺客去暗杀他的竞争者。noun.murderer of prominent or important person
同义词 butcher,dropper,eliminator,enforcer,executioner,gun,killer,liquidator,plugger,slayer,torpedogun person,hatchet person,hit person,piece person,trigger person
反义词 victim
destroyernoun a destructive agent
enemiesnoun someone hated or competed against
adversaries,agents,antagonists,archenemies,aspersers,assailants,assassins,attackers,backbiters,bad persons,bandits,betrayers,calumniators,competitors,contenders,criminals,defamers,defilers,detractors,disputants,emulators,falsifiers,fifth columns,foes,guerrillas,informers,inquisitors,invaders,murderers,opponents,oppositions,other sides,prosecutors,rebels,revolutionaries,rivals,saboteurs,seditionists,slanderers,spies,terrorists,traducers,traitors,vilifiers,villains
enemynoun someone hated or competed against
adversary,agent,antagonist,archenemy,asperser,assailant,assassin,attacker,backbiter,bad person,bandit,betrayer,calumniator,competitor,contender,criminal,defamer,defiler,detractor,disputant,emulator,falsifier,fifth column,foe,guerrilla,informer,inquisitor,invader,murderer,opponent,opposition,other side,prosecutor,rebel,revolutionary,rival,saboteur,seditionist,slanderer,spy,terrorist,traducer,traitor,vilifier,villain
gunmannoun shooter of gun
assassin,gunslinger,hit man,hit woman,killer,sniper,torpedo,triggerman
hired gunnoun professional killer
assassin,butcher,contract killer,executioner,gunman,hatchet man,hatchet woman,hired killer,hit man,hit woman,killer,murderer,sniper,triggerman
hit mannoun hired killer
assassin,butcher,contract killer,executioner,gunman,hatchet man,hatchet woman,hired gun,hired killer,hit woman,killer,marksman,markswoman,murderer,professional killer,rifleman,shooter,sniper,triggerman As Marjorie drove onto the street, with her father at her side, the car with the assassin raced up behind them, followed by the driver on the motorcycle.
马约莉驱车出发了,身边坐着她的父亲,杀手的车紧跟在他们后面,再接着是那辆摩托车。 yeeyan

George Clooney stars as a professional assassin in The American.
乔治•克鲁尼以扮演职业杀手而享誉美国。 yeeyan

Jumping an assassin was part of her nature.
让刺客惶恐是她本质的一部分。 ecocn

Out of a long line of assassin bots, the Terminator is the perfect blend of indestructibility and determination.
不同于众多的机器杀手,终结者是力量和勇气的完美结合。 yeeyan

Stark shots of the mountainous Abruzzo region and intense close- ups of Clooney and the supporting cast give the film an intimate feel not normally associated with assassin stories.
多山的阿布鲁佐地区真枪实弹的枪战,紧密的克鲁尼特写镜头和卡司上的其他演员,这些元素都向我们暗示了,这并不是一部普通的杀手电影。 yeeyan

Within a year, Cameronused it as the basis fora script about a cyborg assassin sent back intime to kill the mother ofa future rebel leader.
其后一年间,卡梅隆以这个梦中场景为基础完成了一个剧本,讲述一个机器人刺客穿越时光及时杀死未来叛军领袖的母亲。 yeeyan

Actress Angelina Jolie has been named the sexiest movie assassin for her role as Jane Smith in the film Mr & Mrs Smith.

An empty seat in First Class was actually filled by Martin Belkin, and Nina has determined that a look- alike assassin was actually at the breakfast.
头等舱有一个空座位上的乘客实际上是马丁.贝尔金,尼娜肯定地得出结论,在早餐会上出现的长得很像马丁的人就是刺客。 yeeyan

As a stealthy assassin who moves, kills, preens, and lives exotically in Kill Bill: Vol.1, Lucy Liu exudes a sex appeal you simply cannot buy.
作为一个隐形杀手杀死人,移动,生活在杀死比尔:第1集,刘玉玲表现出性感,你根本买不到。 yeeyan

Assuming, of course, they will want to take part in something that seems likely to attract the bullet or the bomb of a Taliban assassin.
当然,这是假设虽然这些活动很可能会吸引来塔利班杀手的枪子儿和炸弹,他们却依旧保持着想要参与其中的意愿。 ecocn

But in1610, Henry IV, like his predecessor, lost his life to an assassin.
但是在1610年,亨利四世同他的前任一样,被杀手夺取了性命。 yeeyan

Cinematic whiplash: just like in real accidents, you don't see this one coming, as indestructible assassin Anton Chigurh Javier Bardem gets sideswiped by a car.
电影:就像发生在真实的事故中一样,杀不死的刺客安顿.齐格哈维尔.巴登扮演与车子侧面擦过这种事不是每天都有的。 yeeyan

He warns them about the assassin, Martin Belkin, but they still do not trust him.
杰克向特勤处示警,刺客是马丁.贝尔金,但他们仍然不相信杰克的话。 yeeyan

He'll never hire out as assassin with you.

Her novel, The Blind Assassin, won the2000 Booker Prize.
她的小说《盲刺客》荣获了2000年的布克奖。 yeeyan

His actual profession, though never quite specified, is more malevolent, and he is currently working on a commission to supply a sexy assassin Thekla Reuten with a custom-made weapon.
而他的真实职业,虽然从来没有人能说得清楚,但要比此邪恶凶险的多,他目前的任务就是向一个性感的刺客斯科拉·鲁特提供定制的武器。 yeeyan

I never aspired to be an assassin.
我从未渴望做个刺客。 ebigear

In this clever crime thriller, Hartnett's young assassin Slevin finds himself easily distracted by and attracted to Lindsey, an upbeat mortician played by Liu.
在这部犯罪惊悚片里,哈奈特扮演的年轻杀手斯莱文发现自己轻而易举地就迷上了琳德赛,由刘玉玲扮演的乐观的殡仪业者。 yeeyan

King was shot by an assassin in Memphis, where he had gone to support striking sanitation workers.

Liu Hezhen's strike against Duan follows another assassin's failed attempt to seduce and kill him.
在刘和珍针对段的抗议后,紧接着是另一名刺客的色诱暗杀失败。 yeeyan

Long periods of silence, suddenly interrupted by flashes of violence, are a staple of this subdued thriller about an American assassin who flees to the Italian countryside.
长时间的寂静后,忽地出现闪回的暴力片段,这是这部文艺惊悚片的惯用手法,描述了这个美国杀手逃亡到了意大利乡村。 yeeyan

They inform her that they found another wire transfer to an assassin from Belgrade.
他们也告知她,他们发现了另一笔汇款转给了一名来自贝尔格莱德的杀手。 yeeyan

Was there a second assassin, perhaps one at a nearby“ grassy knoll”?
是否存在第二杀手,也许他就潜伏在附近的那个草坪上? yeeyan

While its central figure is an assassin, “The American” isn’t one of those violent action movies where bodies fall like bowling pins and characters seem to have stepped out of a comic book.
虽然主角是一个杀手,但《美国人》不像那些暴力动作片一样,尸横如保龄球,人物似乎都是从漫画书中跳出来的。 yeeyan




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