

单词 operate
释义 op·er·ate 英ˈɒpəˌreɪt美ˈɑpəˌretAHDŏpʹə-rāt' ★★★★★初高四六研IT牛4COCA¹⁵⁴⁸BNC²⁹⁹³iWeb¹⁰⁵²Economist²⁰³²

vt. & vi. 运转,操作

work; be in action

vt. 经营,管理


vt. & vi. 开刀,对…做手术

cut the body in order to set right or remove a diseased part

direct or control; projects, businesses, etc.;

She is running a relief operation in the Sudan

perform as expected when applied;

The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in

Does this old car still run well?

This old radio doesn't work anymore

handle and cause to function;

do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol

control the lever

perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defensehappen;

What is going on in the minds of the people?

keep engaged;

engaged the gears

perform surgery on;

The doctors operated on the patient but failed to save his life


❌ The doctor decided to operate the patient right away.

✔️ The doctor decided to operate on the patient right away.


❌ The surgeons operated on her a tumour.

✔️ The surgeons operated on her for a tumour.

operate作“对…施行手术,对…开刀”解时须接介词on,再接某人,即operate on sb 结构。在表达“为某人施某种手术”时,则用介词for来引出“某种手术”,即operate on sb for sth 结构。

operate, function, work

这三个词都有“功能”“作用”的意思。其区别在于: operate更强调成功大于结果; work暗示成功、有效; function暗示某物之目的、任务和结果。

operate, manage, run




She managed the shop while the owner was away.店主出门去的时候,她照管商店。
She manages the money very well.她理财有方。


Mr. Smith runs a grocery shop.史密斯先生经营一家杂货店。
They ran the nurseries extremely well.他们把托儿所办得很好。来自拉丁语operari,工作,劳作,创作,来自PIE*op,工作,劳作,生产,词源同opus,office.引申词义运作,操作,手术等。
用作动词 v.
~+名词operate a lathe开车床operate radical changes引起了剧烈变化operate small factories办小型工厂operate the machine开这部机器~+副词operate continuously不停地运转operate deftly熟练地操作operate disastrously灾难性地操作operate discreetly小心地操作operate economically经济上地经营operate efficiently运转效率相当高operate formally正式经营operate informally非正式地经营operate injuriously有害地操作operate insidiously不知不觉地经营operate laboriously吃力地操作operate legally合法经营operate logically逻辑性经营operate mechanically机械地操作operate mentally专心经营operate particularly特殊地操作operate primarily重要地操作operate properly正常运转operate recklessly不顾后果地操作operate resolutely果断地操作operate scientifically科学地操作operate skillfully技术性地操作operate successfully成功地操作operate symbolically象征性地操作~+介词operate against违背,对…不利operate against the growth of影响…的成长operate at below 80%工厂开工率不到80%operate by electricity靠电来开动operate on对…起作用operate on the principle of根据…原理工作,以…为工作原理operate to sb's advantage法律,规则对某人有利operate for做…的手术operate on给…做手术operate on a patient为病人动手术
operate against v.+prep.

施行反对…fulfil planned actions against the enemy

operate from v.+prep.

从…开始 do one's work using a place as a base

operate from sthThe general operated from a tent on the battlefield.将军在战地帐篷中进行指挥。
The company is presently operating from London, but is planning to move to the country.该公司目前以伦敦为基地开展业务活动,但正计划搬迁到乡下去。
operate on〔upon〕 v.+prep.

产生作用 start to have effect

operate on〔upon〕 sb/sthThis famous doctor has operated on many important people.这位名医为许多重要人物做过手术。
The surgeons operated upon him for a tumour.外科医生为他施行了肿瘤切除手术。
I'm afraid that your leg will have to be operated on, there's no other way to stop the pain.恐怕你的腿得做手术,没有其他办法止痛。operate sb on sthMy father is a doctor, he operated a patient on the head last night.我父亲是医生。他昨晚上给一个病人做了头部手术。operate on sb/sthThe tractor operates on diesel oil.拖拉机用柴油开动。
These reasons operated on the mind of the hearer.这些道理在听者思想上产生了作用。
The medicine will quickly operate on such patients.这种药很快就会在这种病人身上起作用。钱博士oper工作+ate拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀⇒操作,经营,运作,做手术
非常记忆op藕片〖拼音〗+er儿〖拼音〗+ate吃〖熟词〗⇒拿藕片给儿子吃他才肯操作机器oper工作-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀⇒操作,经营,运作,做手术。词根记忆oper+ate=工作起来近义词 goactrunuseworkservehandlemanageperform
S+~+AThe lift was not operating properly.这电梯运转不正常。
Now regular bus services operate between the two cities.现在两座城市间已有公共汽车定期开行了。
This law operates universally.这个规律是普遍起作用的。
It may be necessary to operate.也许需要开刀。
The doctor decided to operate at once.医生决定立刻动手术。
The medicine will operate in ten minutes.十分钟后药就会见效。S+~+to- vIt has been proved that various causes operated to bring about the accident.已经证实引起这次事故的原因是多方面的。
S+~+ n./pron.His job is to operate this machine.他的工作就是开这部机器。
The company operates three factories.这家公司经营三家工厂。


operate也可作“对…施行手术”“产生影响”解。此时常接介词on,再接某人或某人的某个部位。如果表达“为某人施某种手术”,则用介词for来引出“某种手术”,即operate on sb for sth,这种结构可用于被动形式。

用作动词It's too difficult for him tooperatethis new sophisticated machine.对他来说,操作这台复杂的机器太难了。
The lift doesn'toperateproperly.这台电梯运转不正常。
Theyoperatethree factories and a huge warehouse.他们经营三家工厂和一个大仓库。
A large number of factoriesoperatein the red.许多工厂都是负债经营。
The doctor began tooperateon the boy.医生开始给那个男孩动手术。verb.perform, function
同义词 achieve,act,complete,conduct,do,engage,keep,move,produce,promote,run,serve,take,transport,workaccomplish,advance,behave,bend,benefit,burn,click,compel,concern,contact,contrive,convey,cook,determine,direct,enforce,exert,finish,fulfill,go,hit,hum,influence,lift,ordain,percolate,proceed,progress,react,revolve,roll,spin,tick,turnact on,be in action,bring about,carry on,get results,produce a result
反义词 abstain,cease,consume,destroy,discontinue,disenchant,dishonor,fail,give,give up,halt,hold,idle,ignore,let go,lose,miss,neglect,receive,refrain,refuse,reject,release,remain,repulse,stop,abandon,begin,create,decrease,drop,hesitate,hinder,maintain,overlook,retreat,retrogress,start,steadyverb.manage, use
同义词 administer,conduct,drive,handle,keep,play,run,workcommand,maneuver,manipulate,ordain,pilot,ply,steer,wieldbe in charge,be in driver's seat,be in saddle,call the play,call the shots,call the signals,carry on,hold the reins,make go,pull the strings,pull the wires,run the show,run things,sit on top of
反义词 halt,mismanage,neglect,stop,leave aloneverb.perform surgery
同义词 explore,setamputate,cut,excise,remove,transplant,treatcarve up,open up
actverb behave in a certain way
appear,behave,carry,carry oneself,carry out,comport,conduct,do,enact,execute,exert,function,give the appearance,go about,impress as,perform,play part,react,represent oneself,seem,serve,strike,take on
behaveverb function
behavingverb function
acting correctly,acting one's age,acting with decorum,being civil,being good,being nice,being on best behavior,being orderly,comporting oneself,conducting oneself properly,controlling,demean oneself,deporting oneself,directing,disciplining oneself,keeping one's nose clean,keeping the peace,living up to,managing,managing oneself,minding one's manners,minding one's p's and qbeing,observing golden rule,observing the law,playing fair,shaping up,toeing the mark,watching one's step
carried onverb manage operations
administered,conducted,directed,engaged in,kept,operated,ordained,ran
carries onverb manage operations
administers,conducts,directs,engages in,keeps,operates,ordains,runs
carry onverb manage operations
administer,conduct,direct,engage in,keep,operate,ordain The Air Services are not yet sound enough economically to operate without government subsidies.

What is not yet accounted for is how an enterprise will actually operate with that flexibility.
尚未得到说明的是企业实际上将如何利用这种灵活性进行操作。 ibm

All this uncertainty and ignorance have left investors and entrepreneurs— the only people who can get us out of this mess— unhinged from the normal parameters with which they operate.
所有的这一切不确定性与无知已经使投资者和企业家脱离了他们正常运作所需的环境因素。唯有这些人能让我们摆脱目前这种混乱。 yeeyan

An often important need in small to medium businesses is for the product to be easy to deploy and operate due to small IT departments.
因为中小型企业中的 IT部门很小或几乎不存在,所以对于产品,一个通常重要的需要就是易于部署和操作。 ibm

But that requires NGOs to change the way they operate.
但这要求 NGO们要改变他们的运作方式。 yeeyan

But these two places operate as if they are part of the diaspora.
但是这两个地方运作得好像它们也是海外华人区的一部分似的。 ecocn

But they also operate in markets that allow a winner to take all or most.
但是他们也在市场上运作,让优胜者拿走全部或大部分利润。 ecocn

Effective executives learn how to present in the same way they learn to use other tools to operate their businesses.
有效的管理者如何用同样的方式展示他们学会了用其他的手段来经营他们的生意。 yeeyan

Far from being humble messengers, RNAs of all shapes and sizes are actually powerful players in how genomes operate.
从谦虚的使者,各种形状和尺寸的 RNA实际上是强大的玩家在基因组如何运作。 yeeyan

Our model is easy to operate and maintain.

Our president does not have a clue how businesses operate.
我们的总统根本不懂企业是如何运作的。 yeeyan

Some of the programs that operate in kernel mode include interrupt handlers and kernel processes.
以内核模式运行的某些程序包括中断处理程序和内核进程。 ibm

Start by identifying who your competitors are, what they do and sell, and how they operate.
首先明确谁是你的竞争对手,他们做什么和卖什么,以及他们是如何操作的。 yeeyan

They may be able to operate on their own, but they need us to reproduce them.
他们可能有能力独自运转,但他们需要我们把他们生产出来。 yeeyan

They require an environment in which to start and operate.
它们需要在一个环境中启动和操作。 ibm

This is mostly because of the energy used to manufacture, transport and operate such equipment.
这主要是因为用来生产,运输和操作这种设备所使用的能源。 ebigear

Unfortunately, despite its dependence on computers to operate at all, most of the information is only understandable by humans and not by computers.
不幸的是,尽管它依赖计算机执行全部的操作,但是大部分信息只有人类能够理解,而不是计算机。 ibm

When you perform modeling for documentation, or for analysis and redesign, you typically operate in Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced mode.
当您执行为文档或分析和重新设计而建模时,您通常是在基本、中级或高级模式下操作。 ibm

Whether their mission is development, testing, or code control, teams do not want constraints on how they operate, particularly in their choice of tools.
不论团队的任务是开发、测试,或代码控制,它们都不希望在如何操作上受到约束,特别是在工具的选择上。 ibm

Who will know how to operate the system?
有谁知道怎么操作这个系统吗? yeeyan

Your first thought might be to add the method to one of your own classes as an instance method, but the method may not really operate on any of your own objects.
你第一个想到的可能会是把这个方法作为实例化方法,添加到你自己的类里,但是这个方法可能并不在你的任何一个对象上做真正的操作。 joycode




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