

单词 operant
释义 op·er·ant 英ˈɒpərənt美ˈɑpərəntAHDŏpʹər-ənt 高TCOCA⁵⁵⁵⁵⁸BNC⁴¹⁵⁰⁵iWeb³⁷³⁸¹
having influence or producing an effect;

many emotional determinants at work

an operant conscience

operant activity操作活动operant conditioning操作条件作用…operant skill操作技能operant response操作反应
方振宇词汇奥秘oper工作→动作→表演+ant人或物→发生作用的人或物oper工作→动作→表演+ant人或物⇒发生作用的人或物近义词 efficient效率高的
as in.operator
同义词 driver,engineeroperative
operatornoun one who operates a machine
operatorsnoun one who operates a machine
agents,brokers,conductors,dealers,drivers,managers And because of operant conditioning, the baby is driven towards the adult.

As the kea was trained in color discriminations tasks, I took immense satisfaction from watching the operant condition in action and enjoyed applying my knowledge in the lab.
在训练鹦鹉辨别色彩的同时,我从观察受控对象中得到的极大的满足,并且我享受着在实验室里应用自己知识的过程。 taisha

If we want to control the risk of the supply chain, we must improve the share of co operant information and limit the action of corporations.
并根据供应链风险产生的根源提出相应的管理措施,指出供应链的风险控制要从提高供应链的信息透明度和规范企业行为两方面进行着手。 fabiao

Now, according to sort of a simple- minded view of operant conditioning in behaviorist psychology, the children you reward should do it more.

On operant dimension, it was defined as the mode and process of psychologic operation, It consisted of three parts of perceive and experience, express and evaluate, regulate and control.
操作维度指的是情绪智力的心理活动过程和心理活动方式,它由感知和体验、表达和评价、调节和控制三种操作方式所组成; cnki

So, to illustrate Skinnerian theory in operant conditioning, I'll give an example of training a pig.

The plans incorporated methods used to train marine mammals and included operant conditioning techniques with a positive approach to modifying behavior.
计划包括训练海洋哺乳动物的方法和训练员纠正动物行为的技巧。 blog.sina.com.cn

And more generally, the problem is you can talk about what other people do in terms of reinforcement and punishment and operant conditioning and classical conditioning.

Every cat with an owner, for instance, is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning.
比如说,每一只拥有主人的猫正在进行小规模的可控行为调节的研究。 diandian

In contrast, operant conditioning teaches us the relationship between environmental stimuli and our own behavior.
相反,动作条件让我们了解环境刺激物以及我们自身行为之间的关系。 blog.sina.com.cn

Later on, you need to learn how to develop the operant conditioning method into a reinforcement schedule, so that you'll know when it's appropriate to give out good and bad rewards for things.
稍后,你需要学习怎样在强化日程表中增加行为条件,以便你知道什么时候应该提供好或坏的回报。 blog.sina.com.cn

Objective To study the effects of aging on operant learning and retention in rats.
目的研究年龄增长对大鼠操作行为学习和记忆的影响。 cnki

Our results showed also that the schedules of operant conditioning could display the individual variation very well.
本研究结果还表明操作行为测定能显示个体差异。 cnki

The results showed that no sex dependent effects were observed both in maze and operant behavior tests.
结果表明,仔鼠学习成绩在两种测试中均无性别差异。 cnki

The third and final type of learning is known as operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning.

The term operant, refers to the fact that a person learns something through responding, or operating on the environment.
动作这个术语,指的是人通过作出反应对事物的认知情况或者对环境的操作情况。 blog.sina.com.cn

This experiment is to establish the operant conditioning in a conditioning box by training rabbits.
本实验是在条件反射箱内训练家兔建立操作式条件反射。 cnki

To train a rat, the experimenter placed it in an operant conditioning chamber: a small plastic box with a lever at one end.
为了训练小鼠,实验人员把它放在一个操作性条件反射室:一个一端置有操作杆的塑料箱。 yeeyan

Operant conditioning forms an association between a behavior and a consequence.
增强训练法就是行为和结果之间的联系。 pet6698

Operant conditioning occurs all throughout games.
行为条件贯穿在整个游戏中。 blog.sina.com.cn




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