

单词 opera houses
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na.歌剧院原型operahouse的复数 One of the world's great opera houses, Argentina's Teatro Colon, is raising the curtain once again.

The architecture of auditoriums and opera houses were challenged to accommodate a wide range of sounds and styles of music.
礼堂和歌剧院的建筑要适应一个很宽的音域和不同类型的音乐。 transcn

The cinemas' problem is the opposite of that faced by art galleries, theatres and opera houses.
影院的问题和艺廊,剧院以及歌剧院所面对的问题相反。 ecocn

The political situation in the respective country is one of the main influencing factors for shape and also the size of the Opera Houses.
其中,各国的政治局势是歌剧院形状、大小的主要因素之一。 com

All year around, tourists jam the streets and hotel of Manhattan. They come to see the skyscrapers, visit museums, art galleries, opera houses, theaters, and famous specialty shops.
一年到头,曼哈顿的街上和酒吧里都挤满了人,人们来到这里,观光摩天大楼,参观博物馆和艺术画廊,逛歌剧院、戏院和著名的专卖店。 myspokenenglish

But does that necessarily mean that it's the present impact of the opera houses that's driving growth?
但那真的意味着歌剧院在推动经济增长中就必然产生了作用? ecocn

But the technique came much later, working with teachers, while already at the opera houses.
但是技巧来得晚的多,是和老师们一起训练出来的,那时候,我已经开始在歌剧院唱歌了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

CSR has got more focused: there are fewer opera houses, more productive partnerships with NGOs.
公司社会职责到目前为止更加关注的问题是:歌剧院越来越少,而富有生产力的非政府合作组织越来越多。 yeeyan

He composed works performed by the Zurich Opera House in Berlin, Germany, the famous State Opera and other major European opera houses.
由他谱写的作品上演于瑞士苏黎世歌剧院、柏林德意志国家歌剧院等欧洲各大著名歌剧院。 blog.china.com.cn

He frequently uses the ghosts pose manufacturing all kinds of chaos, away he hated the singer, the leading opera houses and even interfere with play of the candidates and arrangements.
他动辄以鬼魅之姿制造各种纷乱,赶走他讨厌的歌手,甚至还干涉歌剧院的主角人选和剧码安排。 fctaa.com

He has served as the major orchestras and opera houses in Germany, the theater's chief conductor and music director of the stage.
他曾先后出任德国各大乐团以及歌剧院、戏剧院的首席指挥和舞台音乐总监。 blog.china.com.cn

It abounds in things a great city needs, such as opera houses and underground transport, but still wants for others, notably people and jobs.
它有一个大城市需要的很多东西,例如歌剧院和地下交通系统,但还需要其他一些东西,尤其是人口和工作机会。 ecocn.org

Learning from the traditional principles of the region, the opera houses form gives the appearance of stacked pebbles.
设计灵感来自于该地传统的原则,歌剧院的外形像一个个小鹅卵石婀娜多姿的堆积在一起。 jst-cn

Maybe most smart people really like opera enough to move to cities that have opera houses, thereby making those cities more productive.
一些相当聪明的人确实相当喜爱歌剧,搬迁到有歌剧院的城市,从而提高了这些城市的生产效率。 ecocn

Meier, blessed with a large and beautiful natural voice, spent years singing at regional opera houses in Germany before becoming an international star.
有着一副美妙响亮的自然嗓音的梅耶尔在成为国际巨星前有很长一段时间在德国地方歌剧院唱歌。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

There are two opera houses here, several concert halls and many theatres, as well as cinemas, and the pubs, restaurants and night clubs are busy half the night.
这儿有两家歌剧院、几个音乐厅和众多的戏院,此外还有电影院,酒吧、餐馆和夜总会,总是要忙至大半夜。 zftrans

These early opera houses served as public gathering places.
这些早期的歌剧院是聚集的场所。 www.youfind.com.cn

They only look at opera houses built before or immediately after1800, that is, prior to the industrial revolution.
他们只研究于1800年前或随即修建的歌剧院,也就是说那些工业革命前修建的。 ecocn

Throughout China's ultra- rapid urbanization, attention has been focused on set-piece architecture: opera houses, museums, stadiums.
随着中国飞速的城市化建设,大众所有的注意力都转向剧院、博物馆以及体育场等建筑上。 www.zhanshi8.com.cn

Whereas in China they're opening lots of new opera houses and they're going to need some singers.
然而在中国新建了很多歌剧院,他们也需要歌唱家。 yeeyan

Opera Houses are strongly reflecting the time epochs when they have been created.
歌剧院的设计建造非常能反映时代特征。 com




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