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词汇 Oostduinkerke
释义 Oostduinkerke
n.东代恩凯尔克在比利时;东经 2º41' 北纬 51º07'
The events atOostduinkerkeat the close of the war are a terrible scar in Belgian history.在二战接近尾声时发生在奥斯特敦克尔克城的一系列事件是比利时历史上的可怕疤痕。
Revisiting the events of September 1944 traumatisedOostduinkerke, but the reverberations of the Laplasse affair went beyond this quiet seaside town.1944年9月一系列案件的重新审理使整个奥斯特敦克尔克城受到精神创伤。而拉普拉斯事件的反响,却远远超出了这一宁静的海边小镇。
Irma Laplasse's husband, Henry, served with the Belgian forces on the front line just south ofOostduinkerkein the First World War.一战时,艾尔玛·拉普拉斯的丈夫亨利,就在奥斯特敦克尔克城南面的比利时前线部队服役。
The Vlaams Blok made its intentions clear in the week that the trial started, staging a march throughOostduinkerketo call for such an amnesty.弗拉姆斯·布洛克党明确宣布要在审判开始的那周在奥斯特敦克尔克城举行游行示威要求赦免。
The villagers ofOostduinkerkeand the Belgian establishment braced themselves for the possibility that Irma Laplasse might be found not guilty posthumously.有可能在艾尔玛死后定她无罪。对此,奥斯特敦克尔克城的村民和比利时当权机构团结一致,准备应付这一不利局面。
Flanders has won a wide degree of autonomy, and the town ofOostduinkerkehas prospered as a resort. It is a favourite spot for Germans to buy holiday homes.佛兰德已获得很大程度上的自治。奥斯特敦克尔克城发展为一旅游胜地,是德国人购买假日别墅最满意的地方。




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