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词汇 Oort
释义 OortEconomist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

Dutch astronomer who proved that the galaxy is rotating and proposed the existence of the Oort cloud 1900-1992There it causes havoc in theOortCloud, a huge region surrounding the solar system that contains billions of bits of cosmic rubble left over from the formation of planets.在那里,它引起了奥尔特云的浩劫,奥尔特云是一个巨大的围绕太阳系的区域,里面包含了数十亿从行星形成中分离出来的宇宙碎块。 Well past the Kuiper belt is the Oort cloud, which theoretically extends from5, 000 to100, 000 times the distance of Earth to the sun, and is home to up to two trillion icy bodies.
穿越柯伊伯带之后是奥尔特云,理论上分布在距离太阳5000到100000天文单位的区域,在它之内存在着2万亿个冰矮天体。 yeeyan

When Matese and Whitmire analyzed the orbits of these Oort Cloud comets, about 20% of them seemed to come not from the random directions you'd expect, but from a narrower section of sky.
马泰赛和惠特迈尔分析了来自奥尔特星云的彗星轨道后,发现其中20%的彗星不是像你以为的来自于随机方向,而是来自于天空的某个狭窄区域。 yeeyan

A Nasa graphic which illustrates how the Oort Cloud surrounds our solar system.
这幅美国宇航局的图示说明了奥特云如何包围着我们的太阳系。 yeeyan

Another object dubbed Sedna, which is about three- fourths the size of Pluto, might be the first dwarf planet discovered in the Oort cloud.
另一颗约为3/4冥王星大小的天体被命名为塞德纳星,它可能是第一颗在奥尔特云中发现的矮行星。 yeeyan

But it would play a big role in the way comets' made their way' from their birth places in the planetary disc out to the Oort Cloud and on now they can return to the inner solar system.
但是,在彗星从它们在行星盘的诞生地'前进'到奥尔特云的方式上,以及它们能返回太阳系内部的途径上,这颗星扮演着重要的角色。 ebigear

Consequently, many astrophysicists now think black holes must have their own systems of planets, asteroids and Oort-type clouds, just like stars.
最终,很多天体物理学家认为黑洞一定有他自己的有关行星,小行星和奥尔特型云状物的一套系统,就像恒星一样。 yeeyan

Every so often a comet gets flung out of the Oort Cloud, a swarm of comets on the fringes of the solar system, and gets close enough to Earth for us to see it.
经常有彗星被甩出奥尔特云在太阳系边缘的彗星群,并靠近地球到肉眼可以观测的距离。 yeeyan

Halley and its ilk came from a distant swarm of comets called the Oort Cloud.
而哈雷彗星及其同类彗星则来自遥远的奥尔特彗星云【3】。 yeeyan

I believe it is likely that this is because the Oort Cloud is being disturbed by a massive body that is throwing comets out of stable orbits, a small fraction of which could reach the Earth.
我认为这可能是由于奥尔特云受到一个正在把彗星抛出稳定轨道的大天体的扰动,其中一小部分彗星可能会到达地球。 ebigear

Lissauer and his colleagues have long suspected a planet- size object, sometimes called Tyche, could be hiding in the Oort Cloud.
李索尔和他的同事很久前就怀疑有一个行星大小的天体有时被称作 Tyche(古希腊命运女神)隐藏在奥尔特云中。 yeeyan

Long- period comets are thought to come from the nearly spherical Oort cloud even further out, which get slung inward by the gravitational pull of passing stars.
长周期彗星被认为来自更远处的近球形的奥尔特云,它们可以受附近经过的恒星的重力作用被抛入太阳系内部。 yeeyan

Neither Kirkpatrick nor Wright think Nemesis is disrupting the Oort cloud and sending comets towards Earth, however.
然而,不论是克里克帕特里克还是赖特,他们都不认为“复仇者”正在扰乱欧特云团并将彗星抛向地球。 yeeyan

Normal comets fall into the inner regions of the solar system from icy reservoirs in the distant Kuiper belt and Oort cloud.
通常来说,彗星来自距离遥远且冰天雪地的柯伊伯带和奥尔特星云然后掉入太阳系中的内层区域。 yeeyan

The scientists have analysed the comets in the Oort cloud and deduced that 25 per-cent of them would need a nudge by a body of at least Jupiter size before they changed orbit.
科学家已经分析了奥特云中的彗星,并得出推论称,其中25%的彗星在它们改变运行轨道前,需要至少木星大小的星体提供推动力。 yeeyan

The hypothetical planet— or companion of the Sun— would be located in the outer part of the Oort cloud.

Their theory was that the orbit of this star every26 million years moved into an area called the Oort cloud and dislodged comets that then pounded the earth.
他们的理论是,这颗星星的轨道每隔2600万年都会进入奥尔特星云所在的区域,从而激发该处的彗星冲击到地球上。 yeeyan

They start out in the Oort Cloud, a vast collection of perhaps trillions of small, icy chunks that hover at the very outer edges of the Solar System.
这些彗星来自于奥尔特星云——位于太阳系外缘的由数以万亿计的小冰冻物质组成的星云。 yeeyan

They suggest that during its orbit it would regularly enter the Oort cloud, jostling the orbits of many comets there and causing some to fall toward Earth.
他们提出,在这颗行星的轨道上,它会定期地进入奥特云,扰乱那里很多彗星的轨道,并且使得其中一些彗星掉落到去往地球的方向上。 yeeyan

This is still well within the Oort cloud, whose boundary is estimated to be beyond50,000 AU.

Tyche is the nickname given to a hypothesized gas giant planet located in the Solar System's Oort cloud.




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