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词汇 Oolite hematite
释义 Oolite hematite
Especially for the oolite hematite in the west of Hubei, because the granule of value mineral is so tiny that we can’t made it fit for smelting by traditional method.将高磷赤铁矿特别是鄂西宁乡式鲕状赤铁矿的选矿再次提上了日程,由于其有用矿物嵌布粒度极细、原矿性质复杂、含磷很高,众多的选矿方法都很难使其达到冶炼要求。
The oolite hematite in the west of Hubei, because of its inlay granularity be so thin、raw ore’s quality be complex and with high impurity, the traditional methods get hardly to requirement of smelt.鄂西宁乡式鲕状赤铁矿嵌布粒度极细、杂质含量高,传统的选矿方法生产的铁精矿很难达到冶炼要求。
Oolitic hematite is considered as one of the most refractory iron ore type.鲕状赤铁矿石是目前国内外公认的最难选的铁矿石类型之一。
The characteristics of grain growth of metallic phase in direct reduction of high phosphorus oolitic hematite by carbon are discussed in the paper.研究鄂西高磷鲕状赤铁矿直接还原过程中金属铁颗粒的长大特性,并着重讨论还原温度、渣相碱度及反应时间对铁颗粒长大的影响。
The paper presents series research on refractory oolitic hematite in HeBei Area as following: ore quality、technology mineralogy and mineral processing technolgy.鲕状赤铁矿因其微细粒嵌布、结构复杂等特点,一直被认为是世界选矿难题。
The results show that the process of the nucleation and grain growth of metallic in direct reduction of high phosphorus oolitic hematite is one of destroying the oolitic structure of raw ore.研究结果表明,高磷鲕状赤铁矿直接还原过程中金属铁颗粒成核及晶核长大的过程是破坏原矿鲕状结构的过程;




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