

单词 onyewu
释义 onyewuCOCA¹¹⁴⁶⁹¹
ON ONYEWU: “ He's our second purchase, not the first one because I remind everyone that there's also Thiago Silva who last year was not registered.”
他是我们的第二笔买卖,而不是第一笔。因为,正如我提醒过你们的,蒂亚戈-席尔瓦去年并没有注册。 milanchina

Onyewu will be in Milnaello next week for a medical control and he will take advantage to exchange the Christmas wishes with his team- mates.
他下周将回到米兰内洛做一次检查,然后将和队友一起过圣诞。 scacm

AC Milan will offload their disappointing American central defender Oguchi Onyewu in January either on loan or on a permanent basis.
AC米兰将在一月份以租借或永久转会的形式放弃他们令人失望的美国中后卫奥古奇奥涅乌。 scacm

According to French medias, Standard Liege would like to bring back to Belgium28 year old American center back Oguchi Onyewu, who is not having many chances to play at AC Milan.
根据法国媒体的消息,被米兰弃用的28岁美国中卫昂古奇·奥涅乌有望在冬季回到此前效力的比利时标准烈日队。 forza-azzurri

Before the second training session, there was the press conference of Oguchi Onyewu.
在下午第二堂训练之前,奥涅乌出席了新闻发布会。 scacm

But Onyewu's coming as a ' freebie' has not dented his reputation one bit as an overwhelming majority back him to succeed at San Siro.
虽然是免费签来的,但这并不影响他的形象,而且绝大多数人都认为他会在米兰取得成功。 bet007

In powerful form early on, Heskey won the exchanges with the similarly statuesque Onyewu and one of his flicks early led to a second goal.
在前期的强大阵容中,赫斯基与和他同样高大的奥涅乌有过几次交锋,其中赫斯基的一次机会几乎带来第二个进球。 bbs.sports.163.com

Now we already have Zambrotta, Pirlo, and Abate who have returned from their national teams and in the United States we will have Pato and Onyewu.
现在,球队已经迎回了赞布罗塔,皮尔洛和阿巴特,到了美国还有帕托和奥涅乌。 milanchina

Oguchi Onyewu's move to Fulham has been put on hold, and now the American defender may be headed to AC Milan, according to speculation out of Italy.
根据媒体推测翁耶沃转会富勒姆的计划被搁浅,这个美国后卫可能转会 ac米兰。 milanchina

Oguchi Onyewu was reached in the United States by a physiotherapist of the club to evaluate the times of recovery at Milanello.
奥涅乌在俱乐部理疗师陪同下抵达美国,何时痊愈将要进行具体评估。 scacm

Oguchi Onyewu: the rehabilitation continues in the United States, where he will be joined by a physiotherapist of the club, who will evaluate the times of his return to work at Milanello.
奥涅乌:继续在美国进行康复治疗,俱乐部派去的理疗师将评估他什么时候可以返回米兰内洛。 milanchina

US centre-back Oguchi Onyewu is ready to help AC Milan's defensive line with his physical presence.
美国中后卫奥古奇奥涅乌已经随时准备好用他的身体协助构建 AC米兰的后防线。 scacm

Onyewu will return to Italy to continue in the rehabilitation in the beginning of March.
奥涅乌将返回意大利。预计三月初可以复出。 milan-milan




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