

单词 on tour
释义 on tour ɔntuə 短语¹⁵⁷⁷⁸

travelling about;

they took the show on the road

they lost all their games on the road

近义词 on the road在旅途中
as in.traveling
同义词 itinerant,rovingcommuting,cruising,driving,flying,migrant,migrating,riding,trekking,voyaging,wandering,wayfaringexcursioning,nomadic
travelingadjective touring
commuting,cruising,driving,excursioning,flying,itinerant,migrant,migrating,nomadic,riding,roving,trekking,voyaging,wandering,wayfaring The Rolling Stones and other bands buy them to compensate for the greenhouse gases they emit while on tour.
滚石和其他的乐队也为巡演购买了净化服务。 ecocn

However, whether out of coincidence or intent, at no time on tour has he and Rooney shared the pitch.
然而,不管巧合还是可以,他和鲁尼从未一同上场过。 yeeyan

I try to visit a mall at every city while on tour.
我会去逛每一个巡演所到城市的购物中心。 iciba

Robin Williams accepted his award for favorite funny male while on tour with the United Service Organizations in Kabul, Afghanistan.
正和美国联合服务组织一起在阿富汗喀布尔劳军的罗宾·威廉姆斯收到了最受欢迎喜剧男明星奖。 hjenglish

Well, whom do I want to hear from after all, except Lizzie, and she is probably away on tour?
那么,除开可能正在度假旅行的利兹,我究竟还想收到谁的来信呢? yeeyan

You may have to go “ on tour” and give engaging presentations to get people excited about your research.
你要游刃有余的给出动人的陈述,让人们为你的研究而兴奋。 blog.sina.com.cn

On tour in Europe in 1990, I ended one song each night by getting within inches of my very loud amp to produce some feedback.
我们乐队1990年在欧洲巡演那阵,每晚在演奏一首歌的时候,我会站着离音箱只有几英寸之遥的地方音箱开的可是非常大声来得到一些反馈。 yeeyan




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