

单词 onstage
释义 on·stage 英ɒn'steɪdʒ美'ɔn'stedʒ ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹¹⁰²⁷BNC²⁵⁰⁷⁵iWeb¹²⁰³⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

situated or taking place on the area of a stage visible to the audience
on the stage;

it was time for her to go onstage

on-stage⇒adj.台上的³⁰;台上演出的¹¹;舞台表演区的adv.在台上³⁷;在舞台表演区¹¹adj.台上演出的;舞台表演区的¹¹;舞台上的;表演的;在前台的adv.上台;上场;在前台表演时在舞台表演区¹¹反义词 offstage不在舞台上的…

用作形容词“Idiot” cards serve to prompt many anonstageactor.提示板用来给台上的演员提词。
Theonstageballerinas are seemingly of the uniform height.台上演出的芭蕾舞演员 似乎都一样高。
Ballerinas coat their toe shoes with rosin to avoidonstageslips.芭蕾舞女在她们的舞鞋脚尖端涂上松香,以避免演出时滑倒。用作副词You've got to pull yourself together before you goonstage.上台之前,你要使自己镇静下来。 Also making waves at the pre-show rehearsals was Leonardo DiCaprio, who filmed himself onstage with a video camera as he practiced his presentation speech.
在彩排仪式上玩了点小花样的明星还有莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,他在台上练习获奖发言时,带来一台摄像机进行自拍。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

And experts say that for some people, stuttering disappears when they speak to infants or animals, imitate a foreign dialect, or perform a role onstage.
专家说,对一些口吃者来说,跟婴儿或动物说话,模仿外国口音,或者上台表演时,口吃会消失。 yeeyan

THE governors milled around and chatted onstage.
州长们在台上来回走动,四处聊天。 ecocn

The next thing I knew she was no longer in the seat next to me but standing stiffly onstage beside the piano.
接着我才发现她已不在我身旁的座位上,而是拘谨地站在舞台上的钢琴旁边。 ebigear

“The Moment of Truth, ” though, brings loved ones onstage to stir up hostility.
然而“真相时刻”与此相反,把亲人们请上台是为了挑起敌意。 yeeyan

After the performance they removed the back wall of the theatre and the cast summoned the audience onstage for an impromptu line dance.
表演结束后,移走了背景墙,随后全体演员即兴邀请观众上台齐跳并排舞。 yeeyan

After I visited Dr. Resnick, I called to interview him for this article, and at the end I asked if he’d worn earplugs onstage.
在我见过了瑞斯尼克医生后,为了完成这篇文章,我打电话采访过他,在最后我问他是否在台上戴过耳机。 yeeyan

Besides training, soldiers can enjoy movies and perform onstage in speaking contests.
在训练之余,士兵们还可以看电影,参加演讲比赛上台表演。 i21st

How are users using this onstage and in the studio? What sorts of users have you found using the product?
用户怎么在舞台或者录音室里使用这个软件?你们发现那种用户最经常使用这些产品? yeeyan

How are users using this onstage and in the studio?
用户怎么在舞台或者录音室里使用这个软件? yeeyan

If you're not good- looking, no matter how well you sing, you'll not be onstage.
如果你长得不好看,那么不管你怎么唱,你都无法上台。 yeeyan

Last March, Ashlee Simpson-Wentz put her passion for hubby Pete Wentz on display at the MTV Australia Awards. Amid cheers from the crowd, the couple kissed for several minutes onstage.
还记得去年三月,阿什莉·辛普森在澳大利亚音乐奖上偶遇丈夫彼特·温兹,竟不顾身处台上,两人旁若无人深吻数分钟。 hjenglish

President Obasanjo asked Mrs. Ibekwe to come up onstage, where he embraced her.
奥巴桑乔总统把伊贝克韦的妻子请到台上,拥抱了她。 yeeyan

She blushed when our eyes locked, accepted my invitation to dance goofily onstage and giggled promisingly when I inquired about Chongqing’s culinary treats.
当我们双目相交,她面泛酡红;当我邀她上台笨拙地起舞,她一口答应;当我请求品尝重庆美食,她也咯咯笑着允诺。 yeeyan

She says it was not a fake smile, but a professional one that any hostess would do onstage.
她说这不是虚伪的笑容,而是在台上的任何女迎宾都学会的专业的笑容。 yeeyan




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