

单词 on my back
释义 on my back短语¹⁰⁶⁸⁵
The crowd carried me out to the center of the lawn, then dropped me on my back in what felt like a pile of fresh dog waste.
人群将我带到了草坪的中心,然后把我像一堆狗屎一样四脚朝天的丢在地上。 blog.sina.com.cn

The wonder is that I've any clothes on my back, that I sit surrounded by solid furniture at this moment.
此刻我四周全是挺有分量的家具,身上还穿着几件衣服,简直是奇迹。 putclub

All I have left is the clothes on my back.
我现在只剩下背上的衣服。 hjenglish

I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark.
我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。 yeeyan

I sat at my office desk, contemplating the London rain outside, and hated the monkey on my back.
我坐在办公桌旁,凝视着窗外的伦敦雨,开始讨厌起背上的重担来。 oktranslation

I was lying on my back asleep when I felt two fingers being dragged from my chin down my throat and across my collarbone.
我当时正在睡觉,突然感觉到有两只手指从我的下巴一路滑到咽喉再到锁骨。 cri

I'd lie on my back when my fingers got tired and look at the spray of stars, and I'd talk to the God who made them.
当我弹累了的时候,我会躺下休息休息,看着天上满天的繁星,这时我便会与上帝进行交流,是上帝创造了星星。 yeeyan

If I’m not very tired I’ll spend some time on my back, stomach, or other scenario until I feel like sleeping.
要是不感觉到累,我通常会花些时间平躺着,趴着或者做其他姿势,直到睡意降临。 yeeyan




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