

单词 only son
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Everland’s bond sale ultimately had the effect of transferring control of the Samsung empire to Mr Lee’s only son, Lee Jae-yong.
爱宝乐园债券出售的最终目的就是将三星帝国的控制权转移给李健熙的独子,李在镕。 ecocn

Jim was an only son of his parents.
吉姆是他父母的独子。 kekenet

Rich is likely to lose his only son, which if alive, would have fathered girls to even out the sex ratio.
里奇可能会失去独生子,即便活着,也会生下女孩平衡性别比率。 yeeyan

She began to tell me that her only son lived around the corner from her, but she had not seen him in five years.
她告诉我,她的独生子就住在她家附近,但她已经有五年没见到儿子了。 cri

The honest and bashful look on his face reminds her of her only son, Teng De.
这个羞怯诚实的脸庞儿,不禁让她想到了自己的独子腾德。 yeeyan

These militants have assassinated many ANP men including, in July, the information minister’s only son.
那些武装人员暗杀了很多 ANP成员,包括今年七月暗杀了信息部部长的独子。 ecocn




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