

单词 on horseback
释义 on horseback ɔnˈhɔ:sˌbæk 短语¹⁷³⁷⁵
骑着马; 在马背上; 骑在马背上
During the summer, they trade sheep, goats and yaks, usually their only valuables, to merchants who arrive on horseback bearing clothing and other luxury items.
每年夏天,人们用唯一值钱的东西,绵羊,山羊或牦牛,和那些骑着马驼着衣物和其它贵重物品的人进行交换。 yeeyan

An entrepreneur seeking venture capital can feel like a knight on horseback, looking longingly across the moat at the gleaming spires of the VC's “ castle” beyond.
一位正在寻求风险投资的创业者,恰如一名策马奔腾的武士,在远方 VC之城的激励下,满怀渴望地穿越城壕。 yeeyan

But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while sky- diving or riding on horseback!
例如,通常举行婚礼的地点是在教堂,但是有些人却在户外的风景点举行婚礼,少数人甚至在跳伞或骑马时举办仪式! www.chinadaily.com.cn

Jane was therefore obliged to go on horseback, and her mother attended her to the door with many cheerful prognostics of a bad day.
于是吉英只得骑着另外一匹马去,母亲送她到门口,高高兴兴地说了许多预祝天气会变坏的话。 kekenet

Out back, you'll often see small flocks of sheep or goats being herded by riders on horseback.
走出来,你会经常看到一小群绵羊或山羊,牧羊人骑在马背上放牧。 hjenglish

Police on horseback also attended the scene, along with reinforcements from the City of London police. A police helicopter hovered above.
骑警和伦敦市警察局的增援队伍一起到了现场,还有一架警用直升机在现场盘旋。 yeeyan

Secretary of State Webster sent his son Fletcher on horseback to tell Tyler of the president's death.
国务卿韦伯斯特派他的儿子弗莱彻骑马去告诉泰勒总统的死讯。 yeeyan

They were highly disciplined and masters with using the bow and arrow on horseback.
他们具有高度纪律性,是马背上技艺高超的弓箭手。 yeeyan

Though Jackson's mother was able to gain the boys' release, she could only take one of them on horseback to their home for treatment.
虽然杰克逊的母亲成功将二兄弟保释,但仅能把二兄弟中的一个放到马背上带回家接受治疗。 yeeyan

When the British attacked the Irish, they used dogs to fight, and the Irish in turn used Irish Wolfhounds to attack knights on horseback.
当英国人攻击爱尔兰人时,他们使用狗打仗,爱尔兰人反过来使用爱尔兰猎狼犬攻击马背上的骑士。 yeeyan

Why not see the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA, on horseback?
何不骑马游览美国亚利桑那州的大峡谷? ebigear




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