

单词 acappella
释义 acappella 英ˌɑ:kəˈpelə美ˌɑ kəˈpɛlə COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
adj. 无伴奏的; 意音无伴奏的
By Claudio Monteverdi. For SSATB choir acappella. Published by Edition Peters.
克劳迪奥蒙特威尔第。对于 SSATB合唱团无伴奏合唱。版彼得斯出版。 cantorion

No Strings Attached NSA is Emory's premier, all- male, undergraduate acappella group. Founded in1994, NSA since has developed a strong following in and outside of Emory.
轻声合唱团 NSA的是埃默里首屈一指的男性无伴奏合唱团。自从1994年成立以来到现在在埃默里校园内外都有很多追随者。 liuxuexiaobao

Singing both solo and acappella with rich harmonies was also part of the slave heritage.
独唱和伴随着丰富和声的合唱也是奴隶传统的一部分。 iciba

When not burying his nose in a book, Wentworth sang baritone in the internationally- known all-male acappella group Princeton Tigertones, who bused through Europe and the Middle East every summer.
大学时代不埋头看书的时候,米帅是全世界知名的普林斯顿男声清唱合唱团的男中音,该合唱团每年夏天都要到欧洲及中东演出。 chutou

Barrymore says Grant sang acappella and it sounded really good.
巴里摩尔说格兰特的一段清唱非常好听。 www.china.org.cn

By analyzing the curve in understanding the basis of modern music styles come into this sonata's first acappella style and performing techniques.
本文通过分析该曲,在了解现代派音乐风格的基础之上来探讨这首无伴奏奏鸣曲的音乐风格与演奏技巧。 boshuo

Contrary to popular opinion, acappella groups are hard to mix.
与传统看法不同,阿卡贝拉团体的声音是很难融合的。 blog.sina.com.cn

In addition to its acappella repertoire, the choir performs and records with the most prominent orchestras and conductors of the world.
除了无伴奏合唱曲目之外,合唱团还和众多世界知名乐团及指挥合作演出并录制专辑。 supiao

Music was in four- part and acappella, though sometimes with simple instrumentation.
音乐是在4个部分和无伴奏合唱,尽管有时简单的仪器。 ygyfs

Part III: From the singers point of view, practicing songs in acappella songs grasped pitch, rhythm, grasp the song breathing pattern.
第三部分:从歌唱者的角度出发,在清唱练习歌曲时掌握住歌曲的音准、节奏,把握住歌曲呼吸的规律。 fabiao




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