

单词 onerous
释义 on·er·ous 英ˈɒnərəs, ˈəʊnə-美ˈɑnərəs, ˈonə-AHDŏnʹər-əs, ōʹnər- ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA²⁴⁴⁵⁶BNC¹⁶²⁶⁹iWeb¹⁹¹⁹²Economist⁷⁷³²

not easily borne; wearing;

the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return

my duties weren't onerous; I only had to greet the guests

a taxing schedule

来自拉丁语onus的所有格oneris,负担,重担,词源同onus.引申词义费力的,艰巨的。onerous contract有偿契约onerous loan有偿贷款
GRE红宝书oner负担on er在背上的东西, ous多-繁重的
one 第一 + er 人,想当第一的人需要付出很多艰辛与承担责任的;on + ours 在我们身上的→重担,同onus
oner笨重的+ous→ 繁重的
GRE难词记忆onerous→oner=burden 负担+ous→负担重的→繁重的词根记忆oner劳动-ous具有⇒繁重的词根记忆oner劳动+ ous ⇒繁重的近义词 taxing费力的weighty重要的arduous费力的heavy大量的exacting严格的difficult困难的burdensome负担的tiring令人疲倦的oppressive压迫的tedious单调乏味的troublesome令人烦恼的time-consuming耗费时间的

用作形容词Overtime work is oftenonerous, though it is well paid.报酬很好,但常常是很繁重的。
She desired a fixed occupation-no matter howonerous, how irksome.她希望有个固定的职业,不管这个职业多么繁重,多么令人厌倦。
I've always led anoneroustimetable but I like it.我的日程表总是排得紧紧的,但我喜欢这样。adj.difficult;requiring hard labor
同义词 arduous,backbreaking,burdensome,cumbersome,demanding,difficult,distressing,excessive,exhausting,grueling,harsh,intolerable,laborious,oppressive,painful,rigorous,severe,strenuous,taxing,troublesome,weightyaustere,crushingembitteringexacting,exigent,fatiguing,formidable,galling,grave,grinding,hard,headache,heavy,irksome,merciless,overpowering,overtaxing,plodding,ponderous,pressing,responsible,serious,tiresome,tiring,toilsome,vexatious
反义词 calm,easy,effortless,facile,friendly,gentle,helpful,mild,nice,simple,triviallight
arduousadjective difficult, hard to endure
backbreaking,burdensome,exhausting,fatiguing,formidable,grueling,harsh,heavy,labored,laborious,murder,no picnic,painful,punishing,rigorous,rough,severe,strenuous,taxing,tiring,toilsome,tough,troublesome,trying,uphill
burdensomeadjective troublesome
demandingadjective challenging, urgent
difficultadjective hard on someone;hard to do
ambitious,arduous,backbreaker,bothersome,burdensome,challenging,crucial,demanding,difficile,easier said than done,effortful,exacting,formidable,galling,gargantuan,hard-won,heavy,herculean,immense,intricate,irritating,labored,laborious,no picnic,not easy,onerous,operose,painful,problem,problematic,prohibitive,rigid,severe,stiff,strenuous,titanic,toilsome,tough,troublesome,trying,unyielding,uphill,upstream,wearisome
disturbingadjective disquieting
effortfuladjective burdensome
arduous,backbreaking,demanding,difficult,hard,heavy,labored,laborious,onerous,oppressive,rigorous,rough,severe,strained,strenuous,taxing,tough,trying It may seem onerous to force termination immediately.
强制立即终止看起来可能有点麻烦。 ibm

As lead singer, Michael's schedule was more onerous than that of his brothers.
主唱迈克尔·杰克逊的工作甚至比兄弟们更加繁重。 yeeyan

But it also makes sense not to have controls so onerous that your own companies cannot compete with foreign rivals.
但是不应使得繁重的控制致使本国公司无法与外国公司进行竞争也有一定的道理。 ecocn

But many older people would like a less onerous workload than they had at their peak, perhaps working part-time.
但是很多年长者喜欢工作量比他们年轻时的高峰相比不太繁重的工作,或许做个兼职。 ecocn

Companies— or rather their bosses and owners— should welcome such constraints: any further“ rights” would, sooner or later, be matched by onerous responsibilities.
公司——更准确地说是老板们——应该欢迎此类限制:任何进一步的“权利”,迟早都带来相应的繁重义务。 ecocn

Creating this code is sometimes an onerous and error- prone burden.
创建这样的代码有时是一件麻烦且容易出错的工作。 ibm

Explicit government ownership would be an improvement over the onerous, fiddly and capricious intervention of today.
明确政府所有权,将是对目前繁重、毫无目的和反复无常的政府干预的改进。 ecocn

Freezing the bonus pot for British staff is more onerous; but given the banks’ global nature, there are ways around it.
冻结英国员工的奖金更加繁重;但是考虑到银行的全球性性质,总是有办法的。 ecocn

Germany’s bad-bank plan, which passed into law this month, seems determined to deter banks from using it by imposing unnecessarily onerous conditions.
德国本月通过的不良资产银行计划似乎决意阻止银行使用这个计划,因为它强加了不必要的繁重条件。 yeeyan

If they were higher, the system might be regarded as an onerous form of taxation rather than a benign savings plan.
如果缴费和收益更高,该体系就可能被认为是一种繁重的税收,而不是一个良性的储蓄计划。 ecocn

It relieves the citizenry of onerous decision-making obligations and intensifies their gathering sense of political impotence.
它减轻了市民的繁重的决策义务和强化他们的政治无能意识的聚集。 yeeyan

The chore that feels onerous today may give you a huge boost of satisfaction tomorrow, when it's behind you.
今天让你感觉繁重的无聊事明天可能就会带给你巨大的满足,如果你能完成的话。 yeeyan

These mappings will be implemented in the chosen middleware but should not be so onerous as to introduce major performance issues.
这些映射将在所选的中间件中实现,但不应该像引入主要性能问题那样麻烦。 ibm

This did not ban the drug outright; it subjected anyone who dealt in it commercially to a nominal tax but an onerous array of regulations and criminal penalties for non-compliance.
这一法律并未直接禁止毒品本身,只是对进行毒品买卖的人进行名义上的征税,实则是对违法者制定了一系列的繁重规定和刑事制裁。 ecocn

This surely makes sense: as long as the job is not too onerous, many people benefit in mind and body from having something to get them out of the house.
这很明显合情合理:在工作并不是非常繁重的情况下,人们大都愿意能有些事情让他们出门去做从而锻炼脑力和体力。 ecocn

Typically, the numbers turn green apparently improve until the team figures out how to escape such an onerous task.
一般直到团队找出如何逃脱这种繁重工作时,数字才变为绿色表面上改进。 ibm

Yet at the same time in much of the world unemployment is persistently high and many of the jobs on offer are badly paid, onerous and unsatisfying.
然而同时,世界上很多地方,失业形势持续很严峻而且提供很多的工作都是收入很低、工作繁重、工作成就感不足。 ecocn




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