

单词 one-night stand
释义 one-night stand 英ˈwʌnˌnaɪt美ˈwʌnˌnaɪtAHDwŭnʹnīt' 短语⁵⁴⁸⁹⁹

a brief sexual encounter lasting only for a single night;

he ran through a series of loveless one-night stands

a performance in one place on one night only比喻用法。one-night stand在一处只演出一场…
Having a fling or one-night stand is already a risky business.
恣意行乐或一夜情本已是一项危险的活动。 cri

It's not, since you had a one-night stand with your male friend, that you can choose to become straight.
与你的男性好友来个一夜情并不代表你能选择变为异性恋。 yeeyan

More than half of those polled said there was nothing wrong with a one-night stand.
一半以上接受调查的人认为“一夜情”没什么错。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

But your mid- life crisis is no reason to reach out to last week's one-night stand and ask them to marry you.
不过中年危机并不能成为你的借口,让你向上周跟你一夜情的姑娘伸出魔掌让她们嫁给你。 cri

Discovering your one-night stand is a sex blogger, and your“ not being able to perform” is on the record.
发现你的一夜情对象是个性爱博客作者,而你“不行”被记录下来。 yeeyan

I am hoping for a lasting relation, not just one-night stand.
我希望拥有持久的关系,而不是一夜情。 wwenglish

It was strictly a one-night stand and she came after me.
这完全是个一夜情,然后她就跟着我。 blog.sina.com.cn

Look for a long- term partner not a one-night stand.
找一个长期的伴侣吧,千万别来一夜情。 zhongzhao

Mystery fuels the fire of a one-night stand.
神秘感点燃了一夜情的激情火焰。 yeeyan

Of the heterosexual respondents, more than half reported a one-night stand, about evenly split between men and women.
在异性恋的被调查者中半数以上承认发生过一夜情,并且一夜情的几率在男女之间基本是均等的。 yeeyan

Professionals are known to have used the service and quite a few users appear only out for a one-night stand— although these seem to be a minority.
已知资料显示,它的用户中不乏性工作者和专为寻找一夜情的人,虽然此类人群似乎只是少数。 ecocn

The research suggests men are far less choosy about the attractiveness of a potential one-night stand.
这个研究发现男人对一夜情的吸引力无法抗拒。 yeeyan

Whether you went on this date looking for a girlfriend or looking for a one-night stand, you know exactly what you want.
不管你和她约会的目的是真心找女朋友还是只想一夜情,你对自己的目的相当清楚。 kekenet

You can easily get a one-night stand from the bar.
在酒吧里,你很容易就能找到一夜情。 blog.sina.com.cn




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