释义 |
Oncorhynchus 基本英英例句 n.大麻哈鱼属
Noun: Pacific salmon including sockeye salmon; chinook salmon; chum salmon; coho salmonOncorhynchusnerka.Adams River, British Columbia, Canada.标题: People net sockeye salmon for tagging. Objective: The extraction process of protamine fromOncorhynchusKeta spermary and its antimicrobial activities were studied.对从大马哈鱼精巢中提取鱼精蛋白的工艺条件及其抑菌活性进行了研究。 Food fish of the North Pacific that constitutes almost 20% of the commercial fishery of Pacific salmon.北太平洋食用鱼,学名为Oncorhynchusnerka。几乎占太平洋鲑鱼产量的20%。 |