

单词 oncologists
释义 oncologists ɑːŋˈkɑːlədʒəsts COCA⁵²⁴⁴⁰BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.肿瘤学家;肿瘤医师原型oncologist的复数 On multivariable analysis, early stage, lower grade, and treatment by gynecologic oncologists were independent prognostic factors for improved survival.
多因素分析表明,肿瘤处于早期,低分级和妇科肿瘤医师治疗是提高卵巢癌患者生存的独立预后因素。 essaystar

They are available with all our Stockists dealing with oncology products and sold against prescription from any of the Oncologists in this Country.
该药在我国所有销售我公司肿瘤药品及出售肿瘤学家处方药的零售商处均能购得。 mm-bukepa

Another version of the program can monitor the side-effects of chemotherapy, so that oncologists can adjust doses if they are too severe.
该程序的另一版本能监测化疗的副作用,以便肿瘤学家在副作用过于严重时进行调整。 suiniyi

As someone with no medical training, he expected to be greeted with skepticism from oncologists and cancer researchers alike. Instead, his idea seemed to capture their imaginations.
作为从未受过医学培训的人来说,他原以为那些肿瘤专家和癌症研究者们都会对此持怀疑态度,但没想到他的想法却激发了他们的想象力。 yeeyan

For instance, training more oncologists is expected to provide only a modest bump because of a limited number of slots in training programs.
举个例子,好比因为培训计划数量有限的投币口,培养出更多的肿瘤专家预计只能有一个微弱的产出。 med66

I once asked a group of oncologists in New York to put their hands up if they took aspirin.
我曾经提问一个纽约的肿瘤学家小组,如果服用过阿司匹林的请举手。 yeeyan

Others become oncologists and treat cancer patients.
一些人成为癌症专家治疗癌症病人。 unsv

QOPI has demonstrated that medical oncologists voluntarily engage in self- assessment and often select measures related to supportive care for measurement and improvement.
QOPI已经证实医学肿瘤专家自愿的参与自我评价以及通常选择与支持治疗衡量和改进的措施。 dxy

Standish receives many referrals from oncologists whose patients are interested in trying alternatives.
Standish接收了许多从肿瘤学家诊所转来的病人,他们都有兴趣试用替代疗法。 ddduu

That emphasises something that oncologists have long believed, namely that almost every individual case of cancer— not merely every type of cancer— is likely to be different.
那就强调了为肿瘤学家们长期以来一直所相信的,不仅是不同种类,甚至是不同的病例,癌症看起来都是不同的。 ecocn

The team, called a multidisciplinary tumor board, included surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, radiologists, and pathologists.
该小组,称作多学科肿瘤组,包括外科医生、放射肿瘤医生、肿瘤内科医生、放射科医生和病理学专家。 dxy

This work builds on previous collaborations between Washington University oncologists and the Genome Institute.
这项研究是在华盛顿大学肿瘤专家和基因组研究所此前合作研究的基础上进行的。 dxy

Oncologists have long thought that cancer treatments tend to be more effective at certain times of day.
很长时间以来,肿瘤学家就认为在一天中的某些时候治疗癌症会比在平时治疗得到更好的效果。 cri

Oncologists and pharmaceutical researchers are studying ways to find and block those mutations, aiming to turn off the switch that sparks carcinogenesis.
肿瘤学专家和药学研究学者正在努力找到能够发现和阻断这些突变的方法,目地在于关闭这个打开致癌效应的阀门。 yeeyan




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