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词汇 asperger
释义 aspergerCOCA⁴²²⁸⁰Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
As well as carrying the Asperger's gene, Dutch newspapers said he had also been treated for depression in the past.
荷兰报纸报道说,这名男子不仅携带有阿斯伯格综合症基因,而且过去也曾因为抑郁症接受治疗。 yeeyan

Now, Asperger is a subset of that, and it's much less common. It's perhaps one child in500.
阿斯伯格是孤独症中的一种,发病率要低得多,大概是每500名儿童中会有一名。 yeeyan

People with autism or with high- functioning autism spectrum disorders like Asperger’s syndrome have difficulty engaging in social situations.
患有孤独症或阿斯伯格综合征等属于孤独症谱系障碍的患者在社交方面有障碍。 yeeyan

But Sonne worked in IT, a field more suited to people with autism and related conditions like Asperger's syndrome.
不过,索恩从事资讯科技,IT领域比较适合孤独症和类似亚斯伯格综合症相关疾病患者。 yeeyan

By comparison, scores for non- Asperger’s individuals are much more consistent across different tests.
经对比发现,非自闭症患者在不同测验间的分数是相当一致的。 yeeyan

Heartbroken women in The Netherlands have given birth to numerous children with Asperger's Syndrome after a sperm donor lied to them about the state of his health.
一位捐精的男子谎称自己的健康状况良好,几位荷兰女性在接受其提供的精子后,生下的孩子却患有阿斯伯格综合症,她们伤心至极。 yeeyan

I am also an honorary Asperger.
我名义上的阿斯伯格综合症。 yeeyan

I saw people on the HBO lot that probably have Asperger’s but never got a diagnosis as a child.
我见过在 HBO上的有些人可能患有阿斯伯格但在儿童时期没有得到诊断。 yeeyan

I have been said to suffer social phobia or Asperger's but I think that overstates it.
我一直被告知有社交恐惧症或阿斯伯格综合症,但我想其中有夸大。 yeeyan

In the U.S., one person in every150 is autistic, and more than half of all autistic people have Asperger’s Syndrome.
在美国,每150人中就有一人是孤独症患者,而且一半以上的孤独症患者是阿斯伯格综合症患者。 yeeyan

Once I discovered that I had Asperger’s Syndrome, all of the pieces of my life started coming together to form a coherent, recognizable picture.
但当我发现我有阿斯伯格综合症以后,我生命里所有缺失的图片开始纷至沓来,共同组成了一幅完整的图画。 yeeyan

Oran was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome when he was14. He now works at Aspiritech.
奥兰14岁时被诊断出阿斯伯格综合症,现在在Aspiritech公司工作。 yeeyan

PDDs, such as autism and Asperger’s disorder, are marked by repetitive behavior and pervasive impairments in language and the ability to relate to others.
广泛性成长障碍例如自闭症和 Asperger综合征都有重复行为、语言和与他人交往能力的普遍障碍的特征。 yeeyan

People with Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, have normal to high intelligence and often are highly skilled with computers.
患有阿斯伯格综合症一种轻度自闭症的人,有中等智商或者高智商,而且通常很会玩电脑。 yeeyan

Researchers have speculated that some of the qualities and behaviors associated with Asperger’s syndrome can be benefits to have as a software developer.
研究人员推测埃斯博格综合症患者的某些素质和行为是他们成为软件开发者的有利条件。 yeeyan

Similarly, Asperger believed autism to be more prevalent amongst the professional classes, failing to see that it was simply more likely that such a parent would seek his advice.
同理,阿斯伯格医生认为孤独症在高职业阶层的人中更为常见,却没有考虑到这也许是因为高职业阶层的父母更有可能去找他咨询而已。 yeeyan

Since1994, when the fourth edition of the DSM added the Asperger's category, health care professionals have struggled to find a way to separate Asperger's from autism, Carley says.
自从1994年 DSM第四版增加了阿斯伯格综合症这一类别以来,医疗工作者一直感到将阿斯伯格和孤独症区分开来很困难。 yeeyan

Stillman wasn't diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome until he was in his mid-30s.
Stillman是到了三十多岁才被诊断为阿斯伯格综合症的。 yeeyan

There may be a touch of Asperger's syndrome in both: They possess genius but are tone-deaf in social situations.
这两个人似乎都有一丝亚斯伯格综合症的痕迹:都拥有很高的天赋,但是在社交场合上都显得五音不全。 yeeyan

This approach is often diagnosed as autism or Asperger’s syndrome.
这样的人常常被诊断为孤独症或阿斯伯格综合症。 yeeyan

Up to 80 per cent of diagnosed cases of autism are in boys, with the proportion rising to an estimated15 male cases for every female with Asperger syndrome, a milder form of the condition.
超过80%的孤独症诊断病例都是男孩,阿斯伯格综合症较轻度的情况下男女比率达到大约15:1。 yeeyan

Val Turnbull's son, Andrew, was diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome about five years ago.
瓦尔.特布尔的儿子—安德鲁五年前诊断出患有多动症ADHD及阿斯伯格综合症。 yeeyan

Where else are asperger support programs being offered?
还有其他地方提供亚斯伯格综合症扶持计划吗? yeeyan

Asperger's syndrome was named for the Austrian doctor, Hans Asperger, who first described the problems1944, but it was not recognized as a unique disorder until much later.
阿斯伯格综合症是根据一位奥地利医师汉斯阿斯伯格命名,他在1944年第一次描述了这种疾病,但是很久之后才被认可。 yeeyan




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