

单词 on board
释义 on board 英ɒn bɔːd美ɑːn bɔːrd 6短语³³⁸⁵

on a ship, train, plane or other vehiclerun on board of航海撞着别船…on the drawing board在设计阶段,在筹划之…go on board上船上火车…free on board船上交货on the board将在会上讨论…on even board with与 … 齐舷并进…fall on board of航海撞着(别船…up to every move on the board机灵
近义词 aboard在船上
Be meals servedon board?机上供应餐点吗?
Many of the touristson boardhad begun bargaining with the tradesman.船上的很多旅客开始与商人讨价还价了。
The hijackers kept the piloton boardthe plane as hostage.劫机者把飞机驾驶员扣留在飞机上作为人质。
We wenton boardAthens yesterday morning.我们昨天早晨登上雅典号。as in.aboard
同义词 boarded,consigned,embarked,en route,in transit,loaded,on,traveling
反义词 not on,offas in.employed
同义词 engaged,hired,occupiedbusy,inked,laboring,operating,selected,signedactive,at it,at work,in a job,in collar,in harness,in place,on duty,on the job,on the payroll,plugging away
反义词 idle,inactive,unemployed,unengaged,unoccupiedas in.jobholding
同义词 active,at it,at work,busy,engaged,hired,in a job,in collar,in harness,inked,in place,laboring,occupied,on duty,on the job,on the payroll,operating,plugging away,retained,selected,signed,workingas in.pending
同义词 imminent,impending,undecidedawaiting,continuing,dependent,forthcoming,hanging,indeterminate,in line,in the balance,in the offing,in the works,ominous,on line,pendent,undetermined,unsettled,up in the air
反义词 distant,laterimprobable,unlikelyas in.present
同义词 attendant,near,ready,thereaccounted for,at hand,available,existent,in attendance,in view,made the scene,on deck,on hand,on-the-spot,show up,there with bells on,within reach
反义词 absent,away,distant,faras in.traveling
同义词 carried,conveyed,freighted,mobile,moving,passing,shippeden route,transportable
反义词 fixed,immobile,permanent,stationaryas in.here
同义词 attendant,attending,hither,presentavailable,hereabouts,hitherto,in this direction,on deck,on hand,on the spot,within reach
反义词 there
aboardadjective on or in a transportation object
boarded,consigned,embarked,en route,in transit,loaded,on,traveling
employedadjective working
active,at it,at work,busy,engaged,hired,in a job,in collar,in harness,in place,inked,laboring,occupied,on board,on duty,on the job,on the payroll,operating,plugging away,selected,signed
hereadverb in this place
attendant,attending,available,hereabouts,hither,hitherto,in this direction,on board,on deck,on hand,on the spot,present,within reach
jobholdingadjective employed
active,at it,at work,busy,engaged,hired,in a job,in collar,in harness,in place,inked,laboring,occupied,on board,on duty,on the job,on the payroll,operating,plugging away,retained,selected,signed,working
more presentadjective nearby, here
accounted for,at hand,attendant,available,existent,in attendance,in view,made the scene,near,on board,on deck,on hand,on-the-spot,ready,show up,there,there with bells on,within reach
pendingadjective impending;undecided
awaiting,continuing,dependent,forthcoming,hanging,imminent,impending,in line,in the balance,in the offing,in the works,indeterminate,ominous,on board,on line,pendent,undecided,undetermined,unsettled,up in the air Medical emergencies like this often occur on aircraft, and there are not always doctors on board.
类似于此的急诊病情在飞机上时有发生,而且机舱内不一定总有医生。 yeeyan

Once on board, they regaled the crew with tales of famine in their villages.
一旦登上船只,海盗就向船员讲述发生在他们村庄的饥荒故事。 ecocn

They showed great courage to go on board.
他们表现出极大的勇气冲上车。 yeeyan

When we see it here in Houston, we think of them on board, all in their sleeping bags, tumbling around the Earth.
当我们在休斯敦看到它的时候,我们就想念那些空间站里的宇航员,以及他们的睡袋,环绕着地球飞行。 yeeyan




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