

单词 Olmsted
释义 Olm·sted 英ˈəʊmˌsted, -stɪd美ˈomˌstɛd, -stɪdAHDōmʹstĕd', -stĭd COCA⁴⁹⁶⁴⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

United States landscape architect primarily responsible for the design of Central Park in New York City 1822-1903
用作名词Olmstedenvisioned a series of small pleasure gardens around the mansion.奥姆斯特德构思了一系列围绕着宅邸的休闲庭园。
He then hiredOlmstedto turn them into a proper setting for his home.然后他聘请奥姆斯特德将土地设计成适合他居住的家园。 Frederick Law Olmsted1822-1903, the father of American landscape architecture, may have more to do with the way America looks than anyone else.
美国景观建筑之父,弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德 1822-1903,对美国景貌的影响也许远胜过其他任何人。 yeeyan

The Rochester Epidemiology Project has developed an index for the records of virtually all providers of medical care in Olmsted County.
罗彻斯特流行病学项目的开发建设几乎涵盖了欧姆斯德县所有有记录的医疗机构。 dxy

The Stanfords engaged Frederick Law Olmsted, the famed landscape architect who created New York’s Central Park, to design the physical plan for the university.
斯坦福夫妇聘用了纽约中央公园的设计者——著名园林建筑师弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德来筹划学校的实际规划。 yeeyan

But when he got fed up with all the litter in his neighborhood, Olmsted realized there is a difference between the things you must accept and the things you can actually change.
当他不能忍受邻居家的垃圾时,奥姆斯特德意识到了,必须接受的事情和能够改变的事情是有区别的。 putclub

By the time he began work as a landscape architect, Olmsted had developed a set of social values that gave purpose to his design work.
在开始景观建筑的工作时,奥姆斯特德已发展出了一套社会价值观作为他的设计作品的宗旨。 yeeyan

Eventually Carpenter and Olmsted say the toll on their health became too much.
最终卡本特和奥尔姆斯泰德说这对他们的健康的损害变得太大了。 yeeyan

For their part, Carpenter and Olmsted feel they were personally attacked for speaking out against the antenna installation.
对他们自己而言,卡本特和奥尔姆斯泰德感到他们因为直言反对天线的安装而遭到了个人攻击。 yeeyan

Frederick Olmsted, who designed Central Park and many others, wanted to provide people with a respite from their tough, dirty jobs.
设计了中心公园和其它许多公园的 Frederick Olmsted曾希望给那些工作条件艰苦环境脏乱的人提供一个放松的地方。 ecocn

Freelance writer Robin Carpenter and her husband Andrew Olmsted own a three-story Victorian house on High Street.
自由作者罗宾·卡本特和她的丈夫安德鲁·奥尔姆斯泰德在主街上拥有一座三层楼的维多利亚式的房子。 yeeyan

Related to the previous point, Olmsted was a fan of Horace Bushnell’s writings about“ unconscious influence” in people.
联系前面的一点,奥姆斯特德是霍勒斯.布什内尔 Horace Bushnell有关人们“潜意识影响”的著作的忠实读者。 yeeyan

There was always a“ purpose of direct utility or service” to Olmsted’s work.
奥姆斯特德的作品总有一种“直接效用或服务的目的”。 yeeyan

Olmsted fought against distracting elements.
奥姆斯特德坚决对抗分散注意力的因素。 yeeyan

Olmsted applied this idea to his scenery.
奥姆斯特德将这一想法运用到他的布景上。 yeeyan

Olmsted had no formal design training and didn’t commit to landscape architecture until he was44.
奥姆斯特德没有受过正式的设计培训。他没有从事过景观建筑一直到44岁时候。 yeeyan

Olmsted wanted his designs to stay true to the character of their natural surroundings.
奥姆斯特德希望他的那些设计能忠于它们自然环境的特征。 yeeyan

Olmsted wrote often and thought hard about the words he used.
奥姆斯特德经常写作,往往费心思考自己的用词。 yeeyan




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