

单词 olmec
释义 Ol·mec 英ˈɒlmek美ˈɑlmɛk COCA⁵⁸⁸¹⁰BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
a member of an early Mesoamerican civilization centered around Veracruz that flourished between 1300 and 400 BCCould theOlmecheads depict African visitors from across the Atlantic?欧梅克头像是描述成功走过大西洋而来的非洲人吗?
The earliest great Mesoamerican civilization, theOlmec, dates to c. 1150 BC.最早的中美洲文明是奥尔梅克文化,可追溯到西元前1150年。
The scholars deem that some of the Shang elite and craftsmen may have fled to the New World and that that is the reason of theOlmec's sudden mastery of their skills.学者们认为商朝的一些能人巧匠可能逃亡到了这个“新世界”,并认为这就是奥尔麦克人之所以突然掌握了中国人的各种技巧的缘故。
The village where the block was found is close to a site called San Lorenzo, believed to be the center of theOlmecworld.石刻被发现的村庄是紧挨一贯叫圣-洛伦佐的地方,认为是奥尔梅克世界的中心。
Between 800 and 1,200 years ago, the great MesoamericanOlmeccivilization claimed this stretch of rain forest.在800到1,200年以前,伟大的中美洲奥而麦克文明拥有这片雨林。
In fact, all of the male leads, the chieftain, the witch doctor, andOlmeccould be considered representation of Max.而实际上,我们可以把所有的男性领导人:酋长、巫医和欧米克都看作是代表了麦克斯。 Could the Olmec heads depict African visitors from across the Atlantic?
欧梅克头像是描述成功走过大西洋而来的非洲人吗? douban

Also, the Olmec's skill in working with jade and certain architectural and city planning concepts are remarkably like those of ancient China.
还有,奥尔麦克人制作玉器的技巧以及规划某些建筑和城市的构思,和古代中国人的构思也非常相似。 hotdic

Maize was certainly a primary focus of ritual and religious veneration by ancient Meso-American people, going back all the way before the Maya and even into the Olmec civilisation.
玉米曾经是古代中美洲人礼仪与宗教崇拜的重中之重,可一种追溯回前玛雅,甚至奥尔梅克文明时代。 yeeyan

The find raised the possibility that Olmec pyramids might contain similar tombs of dignitaries, especially at well-known sites like La Venta.
这一发现提出了一种可能性奥尔梅克金字塔可能包含像拉文塔,尤其是在著名网站的类似墓葬。 yeeyan




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