

单词 olive branch
释义 olive branch ˈɒlɪvbrɑːntʃ ☆☆☆☆☆高短语²⁶⁴²⁶

something offered to an adversary in the hope of obtaining peacehold out the olive branch伸出橄榄枝建议和平…extend the olive branch伸出橄榄枝,表示准备…tender the olive branch伸出橄榄枝,表示准备…
近义词 peace offering友好赠品
用作名词Theolive branchis the emblem of peace.橄榄枝是和平的象征。
There's a branch of an live tree in one claw.一只鹰爪里紧握着一支橄榄枝。noun.(peace offering
同义词 overturedove of peace,friendliness,hand of friendship,offer of peace,outstretched hand,parley,peace offer,peace pipe,peaceful approach
ceasefire agreementnoun suspension of hostilities
armistice,cooling-off period,olive branch,peace,stand-down,truce
peace offeringnoun expression to attain peace
dove of peace,expiatory offering,expiatory sacrifice,hand of friendship,heave offering,irenics,olive branch,outstretched hand,piacular offering,piaculum,present,sacramental offering,sacrifice,sin offering,whole offering
trucenoun peaceful solution
accord,agreement,amnesty,armistice,break,breather,cease-fire,cessation,de-escalation,détente,halt,intermission,interval,letup,lull,moratorium,olive branch,pause,peace,reconciliation,reprieve,respite,rest,stay,suspension,temporary peace,terms,treaty,white flag,wind-down It was China Mobile that first offered the olive branch to Apple.
中国移动第一个向苹果伸出橄榄枝。 yeeyan

It would be difficult to offer her sister an olive branch when their relationship appeared so deadlocked, but the dream gave a clear push in that direction.
在关系陷入僵局时,向妹妹伸出橄榄枝是困难的,但梦境起了明确的推动作用。 yeeyan

That the leaders of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship UDD, the red shirts’ formal title, failed to grasp this olive branch is tragic.
反对独裁的民主联合阵线 UDD——红衫军的正式名称——的领导者们,没抓住这根橄榄枝,这是个悲剧。 ecocn

The olive branch stands for peace.

After weeks of fury in South Africa about the way that the case has been handled, this is an important olive branch that's been handed out by the IAAF.
南非人民对这件事的处理方式的愤怒情绪持续几周之后, IAAF伸出了重要的橄榄枝。 topsage

Analysts believed the north initially appeared to be offering Barack Obama an olive branch, and Hoare said the US had sent positive signals.
分析人士相信朝鲜最初是想给巴拉克.奥巴马伸出橄榄枝,豪瑞说美国也发出了积极的信号。 yeeyan

But with many government departments facing real cuts of25% in their budgets over the next five years, that olive branch will almost certainly be spurned.
但在未来五年内,许多政府部门将真正面临25%的预算削减,几乎可以肯定的是,这一橄榄枝将遭到拒绝。 ecocn

Despite this, many in the West are itching to extend an olive branch to the new president.
尽管这样,许多西方人还是急于向新总统伸出橄榄枝。 ecocn

Goddess embraces the pigeons with one of them holding an olive branch and a colorful flag consists of many national flags in two hands.
女神双手展开迎接着它们,其中一只左右爪分别衔着有一条橄榄枝和一条由世界各国国旗组成的彩旗。 tianya

I'd like to hear from you if you've been able to extend that olive branch and offer forgiveness.
我希望能够听到你曾经主动伸出橄榄枝讲和并原谅别人的事情。 yeeyan

If ever there were an Arabian Olympics, one horse would stand proudly on the middle platform decorated with the gold and an olive branch wreath.
如果说真的有一个阿拉伯的奥运会,一个马会骄傲地站在装饰着黄金和橄榄枝花环中间平台。 www.hc263.net

That the leaders of their United Front for Democracy against DictatorshipUDD failed to grasp this olive branch is tragic.
然而反对独裁的民主联合阵线的领导们却未能抓住这一橄榄枝,的确令人悲痛。 ecocn

That was in a town called Olive Branch.
这个镇叫做橄榄枝镇。 ecocn

This is the first version, which includes an olive branch motif.
该版本是第一个,包括了橄榄枝。 www.artnews.com.cn

Olive branch symbolizes peace.




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