

单词 oligopolistic
释义 ol·i·gop·o·lis·tic 英ˌɒlɪ'gɒpəlɪ美ˌɒlə'gɒpəlɪ 高COCA¹¹³³⁸⁰BNC⁴⁷¹⁸²iWeb⁵⁴⁴¹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
economics a market in which control over the supply of a commodity is in the hands of a small number of producers and each one can influence prices and affect competitorsoligopoly price垄断售价perfect oligopoly经 少数供应商生…bilateral oligopoly双边寡头垄断…

用作名词Rating firms have become an anointed oligopoly because they are embedded in regulations.由于根植于法规,评价公司已发展成为钦点的寡头垄断与利润相匹配。
The goal is to break through the monopolization on gaming industry, and to build a new oligopoly operationalformat.其目的在于打破博彩经营权的垄断专营制度,建立新的寡头垄断经营模式。 So the conclusion of this article is the number of TNCs in the host country and the openness policy determine the market structure, the monopolistic or oligopolistic.
文章同时指出,垄断或寡占竞争市场格局的形成取决于东道国市场的开放度以及竞争者之间的实力对比。 cnki

The price war must be in the oligopolistic markets.
价格战主要存在于寡头垄断行业。 cnki

The oligopolistic competition model of game theory has been applied in social sciences such as economics, politics, military affairs and etc.
博弈论中的寡头竞争模型在经济、政治、军事等社会科学中得到了广泛的应用。 dictall

The analysis in this article indicates that: from a dynamic perspective, oligopolistic market structure and oligopolistic enterprises are efficient.
本文的分析最终表明:以动态的眼光来看,寡头垄断市场结构和寡头垄断企业是有效率的。 cnki

Chapter4, the third part, mainly focused on incremental generation capacity investment under electricity demand uncertainty and oligopolistic market structure from the view of theoretical study.
第三部分第4章讨论市场需求不确定时寡头垄断市场结构下的发电容量产能扩张问题。 cnki

Empirical perspectives show that oligopolistic enterprises have become the source of national wealth and the engine of world economy.
经验观察显示,寡头垄断企业已经成为国民财富的源泉和世界“经济增长的发动机”。 bab

In this paper, a new oligopolistic game model is put forward to finish the above simulation. The formulae of Nash equilibrium are obtained based on complete information.
该文根据电力市场的特点,提出一种新的博弈模型来模拟发电商的策略行为,推导了该模型的纳什均衡解。 cnki

Seeking growth outside its mature, oligopolistic home market, it bought Commerce Bank, which had shaken up high- street banking in New York.
为了在已经成熟的寡头国内市场中寻找另外的增长点,它收购了商业银行,这使位于纽约繁华商业街的同行们感到震惊。 ecocn

Thanks to a wave of consolidation in recent years, argues Harvard’s Ms Herzlinger, “ most parts of the United States are dominated by oligopolistic hospital systems.”
哈佛大学的 Herzlinger称,多亏最近几年的一波整合浪潮,美国医疗业的大部分都被垄断医院体系所把持着。 ecocn

Then in the last three chapters, I pointed out the mistakes and maked suggestions of solution measure to the development of metropolis newspapers in oligopolistic market structure.
后三章针对寡头垄断市场结构下都市报发展中存在的三个方面的问题逐一进行研究,并且在分析问题之后提出了相应的解决措施。 fabiao

Therefore, the industry has a typical oligopolistic structure, which exists rationally for it makes the industry enjoy scale economy and scope economy.
寡头垄断为中国非寿险产业获得规模经济和范围经济的优势提供了可能,因此在现阶段具有其存在的合理性。 fabiao




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