

单词 asparagine
释义 as·par·a·gine 英əˈspærəˌdʒiːn美əˈspærəˌdʒinAHDə-spărʹə-jēn' BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁵³⁸¹²

a crystalline amino acid found in proteins and in many plants e.g., asparagusethyl asparagine乙基天冬酰胺…asparagine ketoacid transaminase天冬酰胺酮酸转氨基酶…asparagine synthetase天冬酰胺合成酶…

Asparagine can later be broken down and the nitrogen used in amino acid synthesis.天冬酰胺此后分解,氮在氨基酸的合成中被使用。
In addition, the ability of MSCs to makeasparaginemight be decreased by cancer drugs already known to disrupt MSC activity.另外那些已经知道的破坏骨髓间充质干细胞活性的肿瘤药物应该可以降低骨髓间充质干细胞产生天冬酰胺的能力。 Analysis of amino acid patterns of five varieties proved that there is significant correlation between content of glutamic, asparagine and sensory score of taste.
菜用大豆的鲜味主要是由于菜用大豆含有大量的游离氨基酸,可用天冬氨酸和谷氨酸的含量作为评价菜用大豆鲜味的客观指标。 cnki

The adult shrimp had significantly higher tyrosine, phenylalanine and asparagine content but lower valine and isoleucine levels compared to juvenile and middle shrimp.
成虾的缬氨酸、异亮氨酸含量比小虾、中虾的低,而酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、天门冬氨酸较高。 cnki

The best carbon source is maltose. The best nitrogen source is asparagine.
最佳碳源为麦芽糖,最佳氮源为天门冬素; cnki

The optimum growth nitrogen source of these fungi was Asparagine except that of009 was NaNO3.
生长所需最佳氮源除009为硝酸钠外,其它为天门冬酰胺。 fabiao

The thermal decomposition of asparagine has been studied by DTA, TG method.
用 DTA、 TG方法研究了天冬酰胺的热解反应。 ilib

The uses of biodegradable polymers poly- asparagine and its derivatives, as carriers in controlled drug release are reviewed.
综述了可生物降解的高分子材料聚天各酰胺及其衍生物作为载体在药物控制释放中的应用。 cnki

In order to validate the formation mechanism of acrylamide, we studied on the model system of glucose and asparagine.
为了进一步证实其形成机理,进行了葡萄糖和天冬酰胺模拟体系的研究。 chemyq

Lactose is also identified as the best carbon source while asparagine the best nitrogen source.
同时确定了乳糖为最佳碳源,天门冬素为最佳氮源。 fabiao

Protein peptone and beef extract are the best nitrogen source for hyphae growth and asparagine is the best nitrogen source for spore production.
蛋白胨和牛肉浸膏是菌丝生长的最佳氮源,天门冬素是产孢的最佳氮源; cnki

The results show that, under the proper react ion condition, the immobilized enzyme possesses good properties for hydrating asparagine both in batch and in continuous type.
结果表明,在适当的间歇和连续反应条件下,固定化酶均具有良好的水解天门冬酰胺性能和效率。 cnki

The reaction product derived from D fructose and L asparagine was prepared.
制备了 D-果糖与 L-天冬酰胺的反应产物。 cnki




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