

单词 old type
释义 old type əuldtaip 短语⁵⁹¹³⁸
The control accuracy is not high and the function is little when using the resistance spot welding machine controlled by old type of logic controller.
过去老式的逻辑控制的电阻焊机控制器控制精度不高、功能少。 cnki

The old type of family party is played out, young people demand something more exciting nowadays.

Most of the counterfeit notes now seized are of the old type that are still in circulation.
现在被收缴的假币大都是仍在流通的旧版币。 yeeyan

The old type of family party is played out; young people demand something more exciting nowadays.
这种老一套的家庭聚会已经过时了;当今年轻人需要更刺激的东西。 iciba

They had to work slowly by using old type ploughs.
他们只得用老式犁慢慢地干活。 fsecity

They have stopped producing the old type of engine.
他们已停止生产老式发动机。 www.soenglish.com.cn

This essay analyzed the old type's working principle and its weak points;
该文分析了旧式轧糖机的工作原理和存在缺陷; cnki

To avoid the malpractice of old type electromagnetic lock, a new type anti misoperation device for grounding switch has been developed.
针对老式电磁锁在结构上存在的弊端,研制了一种接地刀闸的新型防误装置。 cnki

Old type women obstinately clang to marriage and the new women baptized by new culture also had to choose marriage as their sole, final settling place.
旧式女性死守婚姻,受过新文化洗礼的新女性也逃不开婚姻这惟一的归宿。 cnki




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