

单词 old-time
释义 old-time 英ˈəʊldˈtaɪm美ˈoldˈtaɪmAHDōldʹtīmʹ ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²¹⁰⁹²BNC⁴⁶⁴⁵⁶iWeb²⁴⁴²⁹Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

attractively old-fashioned but not necessarily authentic;

houses with quaint thatched roofs

a vaulted roof supporting old-time chimney pots

good old time美好的往日have a high old time过一段快乐的时光…any old time任何时候都
蒋争熟词记忆old古、旧、老timen.时间⇒古时的;旧时的;老资格的old古、旧、老timen.时间⇒古时的;旧时的;老资格的近义词 outdated旧式的outmoded过时的old-style旧式的old-world以前的quaint离奇有趣的antiquated陈旧的traditional传统的olde worlde古老的Old-Fashioned老式的

用作形容词Old weapons were mainly made from iron.古时的武器多用铁制成。
It's time to let bygones be bygones.是时候了,该让过去的事就过去。
Did the past time disappear there?过去的时间在哪里消失? Located around the corner from Wan Chai's neon nightlife district, this old-time shop is a stark contrast to the surrounding girlie bars.
在湾仔周围霓虹灯包围的夜生活区的街角处,这家老店和周围的娘娘腔酒吧形成了鲜明的对比。 yeeyan

“ Zero” was a catchier slogan than the arcane incrementalism that had come to characterise old-time arms control.
与塑造旧式军备控制特征的艰涩的渐进主义相比,“零核”是个更具吸引力的标语。 ecocn

As Mr Baillie says, “ a programmer working in air- traffic control or a power plant can do more damage than an old-time spy.”
正如贝利所言:“一名在空中交通控制部门或者发电厂工作的程序员可以比旧式间谍产生更大、更多的危害。” ecocn

One of the blessings of the old-time Sabbath was its calm, its restfulness, its holy peace.
古代安息日的福祉之一,就是它的幽寂与安静。 ebigear

Other years she made an old-time train engine and a sailboat for us to push or pull with us.
而其它的几年里,她做了个旧式的火车头引擎和帆船给我们推着或坐上被推着来玩。 go2school.blog.tianya.cn

Too many old-time Keynesians, like Paul Krugman, view this as a problem of inflexible wages and prices.
过多的凯恩斯主义者,诸如保罗·克鲁格曼,视这为一种的不变的工资收入和价格之间的问题。 ecocn

We saw an old-time lady killer with a close-cut black mustache and everything.
我们看见一个蓄着小黑胡子一类东西,专爱勾引女人的男人。 iciba




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