释义 |
Old Roger 基本例句 老罗杰; 魔鬼 Old RogerChillingworth knelt down beside him, with a blank, dull countenance, out of which the life seemed to have departed.上面所刻的铭文,是一个专司宗谱纹章的官员的词句,可以充当我们现在结束的这个传说的箴言和简短描述; Others contended that the stigma had not been produced until a long time subsequent, when old Roger Chillingworth, being a potent necromancer, had caused it to appear, through the agency of magic and poisonous drugs.另一些人则争论说,那烙印是经过很长时间之后,由那个有法力的巫师老罗杰- 齐灵渥斯,靠着魔法和毒剂的力量,才把它显示出来的。 All the time that he gazed upward to the zenith, he was, nevertheless, perfectly aware that little Pearl was hinting her finger towards old Roger Chillingworth, who stood at no great distance from the scaffold.在仰望天顶的整个过程中,他始终非常清楚,小珠儿在指着站得离刑台不远的老罗杰- 齐灵渥斯。 Had a man seen old Roger Chillingworth, at that moment of his ecstasy, he would have had no need to ask how Satan comports himself when a precious human soul is lost to heaven, and won into his kingdom.若是有人看到老罗杰- 齐灵渥斯此时的忘乎所以,他就不必去询问:当一个宝贵的人类灵魂失去了天国,堕入撤旦的地狱之中时,那魔王该如何举动了。 |