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词汇 Old mice
释义 Old mice
Paeonia Lactiflora pall decoction was poured in to the stomache ofold micefor four weeks.中药白芍水煎剂给予老龄小鼠灌胃,每日一次,连用4周。
The levels of c fos protein and mRNA in the young mice were higher than those in theold mice.幼龄鼠c fos蛋白水平及mRNA水平均高于老龄鼠 ;
Cardiac function declined inold miceassociated with the expression of senescence markers.年老的鼠的心脏功能的下降与衰老标记物的表达相关。
The results showed that the production of IL-2 decreased,the content of LPO increased and the activity of catalase declined inold mice.结果表明老年小鼠白细胞介素2IL-2产生降低,过氧化脂质LPO含量增加、过氧化氢酶CAT活性下降。
The levels of proteinuria,ANA,BUN,blood creatinine of the5,6,7monthold micein embryo thymus transplantation group were lower than that of5monthold micein control group.移植组5、6、7月龄小鼠尿蛋白、血抗核抗体、血尿素氮及肌酐均明显低于5月龄对照组小鼠;
To observe the effect of Mayiqingfeng Wine on the weight of accessory sex organs in castration mice, normal mice,old miceand amount of sperm in normal mice.实验观察了蚂蚁清风酒对雄性去势小鼠、正常小鼠和老年小鼠的附性器官重量及精子数目的影响。




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