

单词 old maid
释义 old maid ˌəʊldˈmeɪd ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁴²²⁰¹
an elderly unmarried womanany of various plants of the genus Zinnia cultivated for their variously and brightly colored flower headscommonly cultivated Old World woody herb having large pinkish to red flowersthe loser in a game of old maida card game using a pack of cards from which one queen has been removed; players match cards and the player holding the unmatched queen at the end of the game is the loser or `old maid'近义词 single单一的spinster未婚女人zinnia植百日菊Vinca rosea长春花periwinkle长春花属的植物…Catharanthus roseus长春花
用作名词Catherine has settled down to becoming anold maid.凯瑟琳倒安心当老处女。
She was no more than anold maid.她不过是个老处女而已。noun.(offensive older unmarried woman)
同义词 bachelor girl,fuddy-duddy,goody-goody,lone woman,maiden,prig,prude,single woman,spinster,unmarried woman
bachelor girlnoun (offensive unmarried woman)
old maid,single girl,single woman,unattached female
fuddy-duddynoun old-fashion person
dotard,dull person,fogy,fussbudget,fusspot,fussy person,granny,old fart,old fogy,old geezer,old maid,old poop,square,stick-in-the-mud,stuffed shirt
old ladynoun an old woman
granny,old dame,old maid,old woman
prudenoun excessively modest person
Miss Priss,Mrs. Grundy,Victorian,goody two-shoes,goody-goody,old maid,prig,priss,puritan
spinsternoun (offensive unmarried woman)
bachelor girl,lone woman,old maid,single woman,virgin THE old- fashioned financial system was like Old Maid, a parlour game once beloved of small children.
老式的金融系统就象是小孩子喜欢玩的一种扑克牌。 onefx

“ Mother is not an old maid, ” said his virgin sister with pinched lips.
“妈妈可不是老处女,”身为处女的妹妹噘着嘴说。 kekenet

Chicago family had as their guest a prim old maid from a small town in the East.
一个东部小镇上的老处女来到芝加哥一户人家作客。 blog.sina.com.cn

Come on, Henry, tell me if I’m gonna be an old maid.
快点,亨利,告诉我,我是不是会终身不嫁啊。 yeeyan

Not the half of one-- if she thinks such old maid's rubbish.
半点都不——假如她想的是这种老处女的废话。 hxen

Only deep love will persuade me to marry. Which is why I'll end up an old maid.
只有真挚的爱情才能让我结婚。这就是为啥我终将会成为一位老姑娘。 blog.sina.com.cn

She is so touchy about everything! I just can't take all her twisted old maid notions.
她对什麽都容易生气!我真是无法忍受她那偏执的老处女脾气。 www.ha.xinhua.org

She was not, after all, an old maid. No, she was that positive thing, an eternal virgin.
毕竟她可不是老姑娘;相反,她是那种积极的存在,一位永保贞洁的女子。 ecocn

Widow Douglas's sister, Miss Watson, an old maid with glasses, came to live with her, and I didn't like her at all.
道格拉斯的姐姐,沃森小姐,一个带眼镜的老处女,过来陪她一起住,可我一点都不喜欢她。 wwenglish




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