释义 |
Older leaves 基本例句 老根 Foliage dull dark green at tips or margins of leaflets and withering ofolder leaves.马铃薯缺磷:植株小叶的尖端和边缘暗绿,老叶干枯; Bright yellow interveinal chlorosis ofolder leavesfollowed by red mottling, and often purple tinting in many brassicas.缺镁的椰菜叶片:老叶脉间黄化;随后出现红色斑点;在许多芸苔中常转变成紫色. Born toxicity led to early abscission of theolder leaves, reducing total photosynthesis leaf area, but did not influence SLA or LWR.硼中毒导致成熟叶片过早脱落,使光合面积变小;过量供硼对比叶面积和叶重比没有影响。 Blotchy irregular interveinal fading and orange-yellow chlorosis ofolder leaves, margins culed and sometimes scorched;younger leaves remaining green.甜菜锰中毒:带有不规则斑点的叶脉间褪色,老叶变为桔黄色,边缘卷曲,有时枯萎,幼叶保持绿色。 It also energizes Phosphorus.Deficiency will exhibit a yellowing and interveinal chlorosis beginning in theolder leaves.生态镁不增加土壤中阳离子,可直接被草坪草叶片吸收,能深入土壤草坪根部,吸收效率高。 |