

单词 old enough
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More children would increase the dependency ratio until they were old enough to join the workforce, but reduce labour shortages in the long term.
孩子多了,在他们长大到有劳动能力之前会增加抚养比率,但是从长远的眼光看会减少劳动力短缺。 ecocn

Just like I don't get why, when I was hardly old enough to speak, my father would handle my crying in such a fashion.
我没有办法回答这个问题。就像我不明白在那么小,几乎还不怎么会说话的时候,我的父亲为什么用这么一种方式来对付我的哭泣。 jukuu

Kids room is kids’ personal space so it must be styled with the consideration of their tastes if they are old enough.
儿童房是孩子们的私人领地,所以如果孩子们已经长大了,那房间的设计就必须考虑到他们的喜好。 yeeyan




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