

单词 olap
释义 olap 英əʊ'læp美əʊ'læp COCA²¹⁴³⁸⁰
A typical OLAP service usually starts from one or more specifically designed data marts.
典型的 OLAP服务常常源自一个或多个专门设计的数据市场。 ibm

The core metadata is an adaptation of the CWM metadata definition that defines OLAP metadata in a vendor- neutral manner.
核心元数据由 CWM元数据定义改编而来,后者以独立于供应商的方式定义 OLAP元数据。 ibm

The security model does not contain the actual definition of these OLAP objects— the cube model does.
安全模型并不包含这些 OLAP对象的实际定义—那是多维数据集模型的工作。 ibm

All OLAP solutions should begin with collecting and analyzing the customer business requirements.
在开发所有 OLAP解决方案时,首先应该收集并分析顾客的业务需求。 ibm

Also the“ middle customer” is retrieved using OLAP.
而且,这里使用 OLAP来检索“中间客户”。 ibm

Create a Physical Data Model with OLAP in the Data Design project above.
在上面的数据设计项目中通过 OLAP创建物理数据模型。 ibm

Cursor interfaces: JOLAP's cursor interfaces define the functionality to manage multidimensional result sets returned by OLAP queries.
游标接口: JOLAP的游标接口定义用于管理 OLAP查询返回的多维结果集的功能。 ibm

Design and generate OLAP reports.
设计和生成 OLAP报告。 ibm

Design and implement OLAP data marts.
设计和实现 OLAP数据市场。 ibm

Design data flow process to populate OLAP data marts.
设计数据流过程来填充 OLAP数据市场。 ibm

Online transaction processing OLTP is not the same thing as online analytical processing OLAP, and data access patterns for each technique are quite different.
联机事务处理 OLTP与联机分析处理 OLAP并不相同,两种技术所使用的数据访问模式也有很大的区别。 ibm

Over the past few years, OLAP has become an increasingly popular approach to handling multidimensional data for warehousing and business intelligence.
在过去几年, OLAP逐渐成为处理数据仓库和商业智能使用的多维数据的流行方法。 ibm

Requirements for connectivity to all supported OLAP data sources.
对于所有支持的 OLAP数据源的连接要求。 ibm

Security can also be setup so that entire OLAP dimensions can be shared providing cache reuse and performance gains.
也可以设置安全性,这样就可以共享整个 OLAP维度,提供缓存重用和性能效益。 ibm

Separating OLTP data from OLAP data allows you to optimize for the access patterns of each technique.
独立存储 OLTP数据和 OLAP数据使您可为每种技术的访问模式进行优化。 ibm

Significant improvement for complex OLAP queries through intelligent combination of local and remote processing and better MDX generation.
通过本地和远程处理以及更佳 MDX生成的智能结合极大地改进复杂的 OLAP查询。 ibm

SQL queries can be constructed to retrieve OLAP data based on either the cube model or cube objects.
可以根据多维数据集模型或多维数据集对象构造 SQL查询来获得 OLAP数据。 ibm

This article discusses the implication of this feature to warehousing environments, and application to solving OLAP and data mining problems is covered.
该文讨论了该功能对于仓库环境的隐含意义,并介绍了在解决 OLAP和数据挖掘问题方面的应用。 ibm

This is especially the case when the OLAP solution is developed for a department or for limited user groups.
在为某个部门或有限的用户群开发 OLAP解决方案时,这种说法尤其容易引起误解。 ibm

This is a common task in OLAP applications.
这在 OLAP应用中是一项常见的任务。 ibm

This method applies to dimensional data sources only such as OLAP sources or dimensionally modelled relational DMR sources.
这种方法只能用于维度数据源,如 OLAP数据或维度建模关系型 DMR数据源。 ibm

OLAP does not add extra data structures or dimensions to business data.
OLAP并不在业务数据上添加额外的数据结构或维。 ibm

OLAP functions are an option to be considered when selecting rows by conditions other than maximum or minimum.
当按条件选择行,而不是简单地选择最大或最小行时,可以考虑 OLAP函数。 ibm

OLAP is one of the reporting implementations in most data warehouse solutions.
OLAP是大多数数据仓库解决方案中使用的报告实现之一。 ibm

OLAP queries typically aggregate many rows of the fact table into a relatively small number of summary results.
OLAP查询通常将事实表的许多行聚合成一个相对少量的汇总结果。 ibm




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