

单词 olajuwon
释义 olajuwon əˈlaɪdʒuːˌɑːn COCA²²⁸⁰⁶
The “ soft” label has completely disappeared, and teams are beginning to fear Yao the way they used to fear Olajuwon.
姚明“球风偏软”的标签已经完全消失,火箭队也开始像过去敬重奥拉朱旺那样敬重姚明。 crsky

There, Yao Ming became leader of the Rockets after receiving the Mandate of Heaven from previous team captain Hakeem Olajuwon.
从火箭队前队长哈基姆·奥拉朱旺接棒后,瑶成了火箭队的新领导。 yeeyan

“ Yao has it all physically, ” Olajuwon says.
“体能上姚明储备已经很充分,”奥拉朱旺说。 en4ch.blog.tianya.cn

Former Rocket Hakeem Olajuwon coaches Yao Ming on some shooting techniques.
奥拉朱旺教姚明进攻技巧视频。 q.sina.com.cn

In his first few years, he made trades for Charles Barkley and Scottie Pippen to give a team led by Hakeem Olajuwon even more experience.
在刚开始的几年中,他就用巴克利和皮蓬交换来了更具经验的奥拉朱旺; sports.sina.com.cn

On other moves closer to Yao's usual repertoire, Yao quickly followed Olajuwon's direction and provided reminders of why he has become the NBA's top- scoring center.
当然,在要命平常比较常用的技术的练习上,他能很迅速的跟上,由此也揭示了他能成为 NBA中锋的得分王的缘由。 tianya

There were moves in which Olajuwon floated across the lane, with perhaps an extra step mixed in, while Yao tap- danced as if stomping on bugs at a picnic.
有些大梦的动作象是在用额外的步伐穿越小道一样,而要命轻舞得象野餐里手舞足蹈一样。 tianya

Were the Rockets wrong in designating him the new carrier of the torch in the post- Olajuwon era?
当年,把他设计成后奥拉朱旺时代的火炬手,对火箭队来说是不是一个错误呢? tianya

Wilt Chamberlain had less of an offensive repertoire than centers such as Olajuwon, Ewing, David Robinson, and Shaq.
张伯伦的进攻方式还逊于奥拉朱旺,尤因,罗宾逊,和大鲨鱼那样的中锋呢。 ctinets




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