

单词 Olaf
释义 O·laf 英ˈəuləf, ˈɔl-美ˈolɑf, ˈoləf, ˈulɑf 高COCA³⁴³⁶⁸BNC⁴³⁵⁴⁶
And he tapped Hans- Olaf Olson, Volvo's former top executive, as an adviser.
后来李书福又请到了沃尔沃前总裁奥尔松 Hans- Olaf Olson出任顾问。 blog.sina.com.cn

As a result, a full transcript of Nils Olaf's statement is not yet available as this commentary goes to press.
因此,一个完整的誊本尼尔斯奥拉夫的声明是尚未备妥,因为这评注接着新闻界。 www.en400.com

Nils Olaf, a penguin of mixed Scottish and Norwegian ancestry who makes his home at the Edinburgh zoo, has been an honorary member and mascot of the Norwegian King's Guard since the1980s.
他是一只混血企鹅有素个蓝和挪威的血统,他的家安在爱丁宝公园。自1980开始就是挪威皇家卫队的荣誉成员。 www.en400.com

The first Swedish penalty came off captain Olaf Mellberg's foot.
瑞典的第二轮的第一个点球来自队长 Olaf Mellberg。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ We have no choice but to innovate, ” says Olaf Swantee, head of mobile operations at Orange, a big European operator.
较大的欧洲运营商 Orange移动业务主管奥尔法.斯万蒂表示:“除了创新,我们别无选择。” yeeyan

Olaf is going to put in for a job with a business firm.
奥莱夫打算申请到一家商行里工作。 kuenglish

Olaf Stapledon wrote a book called First and Last Men, in which he looked millions of years ahead.
奥托夫·斯塔普尔顿写过一本书,名为《初代与末代人类》,展望了千百万年之后的世界。 iask.sina.com.cn

Another, as Sir Olaf might have foretold, is the response of the most remote and traditional Pushtuns to a foreign invasion.
另一个原因,奥拉夫爵士可能已经预言到了,就是最偏僻、最守传统的普什图人对外国入侵的回应。 ecocn

But the stalwart Olaf heeded them not, for his thoughts were all of little Audrey.
但坚强的奥拉夫抵挡住了诱惑,因为他的心思全部都在可怜的奥黛丽身上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Count Olaf: All that I ask is that you do every little thing that pops into my head while I enjoy the enormous fortune your parents left behind.
奥拉夫:所有我要求的是忽然出现在我的脑海中对你而言是一件非常细小的事情,然而我喜欢你们父母留下的大笔遗产。 www.8red.cn

Dr Olaf Rolinski, of the University of Strathclyde's Department of Physics, led the research.
斯特拉斯克莱德的大学物理系的 Olaf Rolinski博士领导了该研究。 blog.sina.com.cn

In it Jim played the dreadful Count Olaf who tries to murder the orphans of a dead distant relative.
在这方面发挥吉姆可怕计数奥拉夫企图谋杀孤儿死远房亲戚。 iciba

Press releases and reports from OLAF, the European Commission's anti-fraud office.
新闻稿和报告,欧洲反诈骗局,欧洲委员会反欺诈办公室。 nscaol

The source for this information is The Smoky God the biography of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen.
这个信息的来源是名叫 Olaf Jansen挪威水手的传记冒烟的上帝。 cnufo.com

Olaf and Carl, helped their father take care of the farm.
那两个男孩奥拉夫和卡尔,帮助他们的父亲照料农场。 iciba

Olaf Scholz, the incoming mayor, will govern without a coalition partner.
市长 Olaf Scholz将在没有联盟伙伴的情况下独自上任并执政。 ecocn




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