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词汇 OIS
释义 OISCOCA¹⁶⁴⁷³⁶BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
operational information system办公信息系统

agency that oversees the intelligence relationships of the Treasury's offices and bureaus and provides a link between the Intelligence Community and officials responsible for international economic policyWithOIS' communications middleware, this is no longer the case.结合OIS公司的通信中间件,这就不再是一个问题。
For more information on that, be sure to look at the UsingOISarticle.更多的有关内容可以参见“使用OIS”的相关文章。
Testing the Samsung TL34HD at 1280x720, high quality,OISOn. Unedited.台北纪行-壹HD高画质影片分享下载。 Ecouen today is again filled with Renaissance tapestries, ceramics, jewels, enamels and sculpture that would have given pleasure to Franç ois.
文艺复兴时期的挂毯、瓷器、珠宝、珐琅器、雕塑,些曾给弗朗索瓦带来愉悦的艺术品,再度陈列在今日的埃库昂城堡。 ecocn

Franç ois Bonneau, president of Centre, was correctly named by a paltry7% of his own electorate.
至于中央大区的弗朗斯瓦·波诺,仅有微不足道的7%的辖区选民能够正确地道其名。 ecocn

Franç ois Fillon, Mr Sarkozy's prime minister, brought in a mini- reform to pensions as social- affairs minister in2003, but he left the special regimes alone.
现任总理弗朗索瓦•菲永在2003年但任社会事务部长时,对养老金体制进行了小规模的改革,唯独没有碰特殊养老金体制。 ecocn

Fran? ois Baroin, a minister under Jacques Chirac, has said he should slow down reforms altogether.
希拉克手下的一位部长弗朗索瓦巴鲁安曾表示,萨科齐应全面地放慢改革速度。 ecocn

The second alarm is the widening in the spread between LIBOR and the relatively risk-free interest rate known as OIS overnight indexed swap.
第二个警告是,伦敦银行同业拆放利率和相对无风险利率即隔夜指数掉期的息差正在加大。 yeeyan

“I was surprised by how good the numbers were, ” says Jean-Franç ois Roubaud, president of a French lobbying group for SMEs, “and the data confirms what I see out in the field.”
中小企业游说团体法国中小企业联合会主席让-弗朗索瓦•鲁博 Jean-Francois Roubaud说:“这么乐观的数字是意料之外的,不过数据肯定了我在这个领域的工作。” ecocn

ois Pinault, its founder, started with a sawmill in Brittany and built it into an integrated timber- trading and processing firm before buying CFAO in 1990.
集团创始人弗兰克斯.皮诺特从布列塔尼地区的一家锯木厂起家,继而将其发展为木材加工贸易公司。1990年,他收购了 CFAO。 ecocn

Bad weather prevented the Turks from returning to Constantinople, and Franç ois provided winter shelter at Toulon.
糟糕的天气阻碍了土耳其人返回君士坦丁堡,弗朗索瓦在土伦为他们提供了冬季御寒之所。 ecocn

Before these elections, Mr Sarkozy had suggested that he would keep his prime minister, Franç ois Fillon, whatever the result.
在地区选举之前,萨科齐就表示,不管结果如何,他都会保留其总理弗朗索瓦·菲永。 ecocn

Both LIBOR and the OIS spread would have to rise by about ten times before reaching the levels they did when Lehman collapsed.
伦敦银行同业拆放利率和隔夜指数掉期的息差要增长10倍,才能达到雷曼兄弟公司倒闭的程度。 yeeyan

Companies selling unsecured commercial paper will have to pay an effective rate of two percentage points above this OIS benchmark.
发售无担保商业票据的公司将须支付较3个月期 OIS高两个百分点的利率。 ebigear

Even her original appointment was political: she was a protégée of Fran? ois Mitterrand, a former president.
然而她的任命也牵涉到了政治,因为她是受法国前任总统弗朗西斯·密特朗提携的。 ecocn

Fran? ois Mitterrand kept his mistress and their daughter hidden in a presidential apartment for years, with the complicity of certain French reporters.
弗朗索瓦密特朗在让某些法国记者的配合下她的情人和他们的女儿在总统公寓隐藏了数年。 ecocn

French schoolchildren today are taught to be proud of Franç ois’s victory at Marignano. This exhibition will show them what happened afterwards.
今天的法国学生被教导要为弗朗索瓦在马里尼雅诺的胜利而骄傲,而这场展览将告诉他们之后发生了什么。 ecocn

He even has a popular prime minister, Franç ois Fillon.
他甚至还有一位受欢迎的总理,弗朗索瓦·菲永。 ecocn

He ruled out changing his prime minister, Fran? ois Fillon, whom he kept in the job this week.
他拒绝更换他的总理弗朗索瓦菲永,这周他还留其在职。 ecocn

It cannot be a coincidence that in a popularity poll this week for Paris-Match, his discreet, plodding prime minister, Franç ois Fillon, comes11 points ahead of his boss.
本周的一项民调显示,萨科奇的搭档,机智过人的总理,弗朗索瓦•菲咏的支持率较总统高出11个百分点,这绝不是一个巧合。 ecocn

Like OIS, fMRI monitors increases in blood flow as an indirect measurement of cognitive activity.
就像光学稳像,功能磁共振成像监控血流的增加作为认知活动的间接测量。 yeeyan

Now Franç ois- Henri wants to get out of everyday retailing to focus on luxury and upmarket global brands.
如今,弗兰克斯-亨利希望撤离生活消费品市场,专心于奢侈品和国际高端品牌。 ecocn

So was the diplomatic team in the office of the prime minister, Fran? ois Fillon.
而总理弗朗索瓦·菲永办公室的外交团队也对此毫不知情。 ecocn

Squabbling among aspirant leaders has been a feature of the French Socialist Party ever since the death of Franç ois Mitterrand in 1996.
1996年弗朗索瓦•密特朗死后,精英领导之间的争吵就成为了法国社会党的一大特色。 ecocn

The second alarm is the widening in the spread between LIBOR and the relatively risk-free interest rate known as OIS overnight indexed swap.
第二次拉响警钟所造成的影响正在 LIBOR指数和无风险利率 OIS隔夜指数掉期内慢慢蔓延。 yeeyan

This week Franç ois Fillon, the prime minister, told car-industry bosses that state help would go only to firms that kept production and jobs in the country.
本周,法国总理弗朗索瓦.菲永告诉汽车业老板,国家只为生产过程以及所提供的工作在国内进行的公司提供帮助。 ecocn

With a common enemy, the Holy Roman Emperor, Fran& ccedil; ois and Suleiman made common cause.
面对共同的敌人——神圣罗马帝国皇帝,弗朗索瓦和苏莱曼决定联手合作。 ecocn




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