

单词 oil tankers
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n.油船;un.油轮;运🌏船舷应用原型oiltanker的复数 A fall in demand for oil tankers has put thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.
油轮需求的下降已使成千上万的造船业职工面临失业的危险。 kuenglish

Adding more cargo ships and oil tankers to the mix, says captain Lembrik, is a big concern.
随着更多的货船和油轮参与进来,就会有更大的风险,船长 Lembrik说。 yeeyan

According to Nato information,142 insurgents and civilians were killed in the attack on two oil tankers that had been seized by the Taliban.
根据北约的资料,在对由塔利班控制的两辆油罐车的袭击中,共有142名武装分子和平民身亡。 yeeyan

Ideally, Aquarius is being developed for large shipping vessels such as oil tankers, but the system's scalability could potentially be used on variety of ships.
理想的情况下,宝瓶系统正在被开发利用到大型船舶上,如油轮,但系统的可扩展性,使其被用于各种船舶成为潜在的可能。 yeeyan

Most of the pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia or in the Malacca Strait involve oil tankers that are ransomed.
索马里海岸线附近以及马六甲海峡的大多数海盗袭击都与劫持油轮、索要赎金有关。 kekenet

Over the last few years, we know that terrorist have stepped up their attempts to launch attacks on the poorly defended oil tankers and pipelines of the Middle East.

So as a student, I made cargo runs, navigating large freighters, oil tankers and passenger ships to the Far East and the South Pacific.
因此,在做学生时,我跑过货运、为前往远东及南太平洋的大型货轮、油轮和客轮导航。 putclub

The American strike was called in by a German commander after two oil tankers were captured by the Taliban.
在塔利班组织劫持了两辆油轮之后,一位德国指挥官指挥美国战机发动此次攻击。 ecocn

The Kuwaiti government eventually went to the US government asking for protection of their oil tankers, said Christian.
科威特政府最终向美国政府求救,保护其储油罐, Christian说。 yeeyan

They can also be used to power warships, merchant ships and oil tankers, or to generate electricity in small gas- fired power stations.
这些引擎还可以用来驱动战舰,商船以及油轮,或者在小型煤气发电站中发电。 ecocn

Time of the accident, a tanker unloading operations under way, after the fire safety of oil tankers have left.
事故发生时,一艘油轮正在进行卸油作业,起火后油轮已经安全离开。 hbgjgs.com

Oil tankers sail from the Middle East to Japan and Europe.
油轮从中东驶向日本和欧洲。 kekenet




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