

单词 offshoots
释义 offshoots ˈɔ:fˌʃu:ts COCA⁵⁸⁴⁸⁷BNC⁴⁴⁰⁸⁰Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
n.枝条;枝杈offshoot的名词复数原型offshoot的复数 The axial function of society or sociology should be emphasized when we discuss the definition and belonging of the offshoots of sociology.
分支社会学的定义与归属问题,应该强调社会或社会学的中轴作用。 cnki

The rights the charter and its many offshoots promised proved frustratingly unenforceable.
《公民宪章》和其分章曾经承诺种种公民的权利,而最终结果证明它们无法实现,令人心灰意冷。 ecocn

Accordingly, if natural selection disappears from biology, its offshoots in other fields seem likely to disappear as well.
因此,如果自然选择从生物学中消失,那么在其他分支领域内很可能也会消失。 yeeyan

But at least we can quit talking as if this adaptation were impossible---as if intolerance and violence were inevitable offshoots of monotheism.
但至少我们可以说这种改变是有可能发生的,只要好斗和暴力不要成为单一神论的分支。 www.internet.org.cn

Dozens of other Haskell compilers and interpreters exist, including offshoots of Hugs and the GHC, but they are the main two.
还有许多其他 Haskell编译器和解释器,包括 Hugs和 GHC的分支,但是它们是主要的两个。 ibm

Early offshoots of an evolutionary line that led to modern crustaceans, the so- called anomalocaridids looked sort of like modern shrimp or cuttlefish.
这种看起来有点像现代的虾或者乌贼的史前动物叫做奇虾,进化史上的一个早期分支发展出了现在的甲壳纲。 www.ngmchina.com.cn




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