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a small amount短语⁷⁸⁴¹ 基本例句 少量 The mutated enzymes were then put in a test tube with a small amount of nerve agent and the acetylcholinesterase. 研究人员将变异酶、少量的神经毒气和乙酰胆碱酯酶一同放置于试管中。 yeeyan Where just a few years ago we might generate just a small amount of data on a given day or in a given week, these days we generate data almost continuously. 如果说前些年我们还只是在某天或者某个星期制造少量的资源的话,那么现在我们几乎是源源不断地制造着这些信息。 yeeyan Applying lazy loading on a small amount of data results in multiple requests to the server, and the slow response might lead to user frustration. 在少量的数据上应用延迟加载会导致对服务器的多次请求,而缓慢的响应可能会导致用户的沮丧。 ibm Because you're dealing with a small amount of data for each record, this kind of query scales pretty well. 由于对于每个记录只需处理少量的数据,这种查询可以很好地进行扩展。 ibm If they insist on a percentage for a small amount of cash, take a long hard look at their track record. 如果他们坚持要一定比例或少量的资金,那你就要好好考量一番他们的业绩记录了。 yeeyan Note that the differences between knocks is not compounded: missing the timing on many knocks by a small amount will not accumulate into a total match failure. 注意,敲打之间的差别并不是简单混合在一起的:很多次敲打时的少量时间差别并不会累积成总体的匹配失效。 ibm The beer contains a small amount of vitamins and minerals derived mostly from yeast. 这种酒当中含有少量的维生素和来自酵母出的大部分矿物质。 kekenet Version B avoids overwhelming users by showing only a small amount of information on each page. 版本 B在每个页面上只显示少量信息,从而避免用户被大量信息困扰。 ibm While it does require a small amount of fuel to start the engine, you actually save more fuel if you coast. 虽然启动引擎确实需要少量的油,但如果你滑行的话,你实际上可节省更多的油。 yeeyan With open source software and a small amount of glue code, you can develop interesting and useful projects in a short amount of time. 使用开源软件和少量的中间代码,只需要花很少的时间就可以开发出非常有用的项目。 ibm Yet, your application only needs a small amount of data from that industry standard message for its processing needs. 然而,您的应用程序只需要该行业标准消息上的少量数据来达到处理目的。 ibm |