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词汇 offs
释义 off·s 英ɒf美ɔːf COCA¹⁰³⁹⁷³BNC⁶⁴⁰³⁰Economist⁵⁵¹⁶

at the outside of


ahead of


from; away from


be lower than


not wishing or needing to take




depend on


at or to a point distant in space; away


into a state of being disconnected or removed


disconnected at the mains; not being supplied


so as to be completely finished or no longer


away or free from regular work

A休息的; 闲散的; 安静的

with less than usual activity; quiet


no longer fresh

not in operation or operational;

the oven is off

the lights are off

below a satisfactory level;

an off year for tennis

his performance was off

of events no longer planned or scheduled;

the wedding is definitely off

in an unpalatable state;

sour milk

not performing or scheduled for duties;

He's off every Tuesday

from a particular thing or place or position `forth' is obsolete;

ran away from the lion

wanted to get away from there

sent the children away to boarding school

the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal

went off to school

they drove off

go forth and preach

at a distance in space or time;

the boat was 5 miles off or away

the party is still 2 weeks off or away

away back in the 18th century

no longer on or in contact or attached;

clean off the dirt

he shaved off his mustache

kill intentionally and with premeditation;

The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered

off, from, out of

这三者均可表示“离开,脱离”。off表示与物体的表面或边缘的运动; from表示运动的起点,不指明具体方向; out of表示从物体的内部向外的运动。

off, away

这两个词的共同意思是“离开”,在blaze, brush, clear, crawl, file, go, make, ride, roll, run, rush, send, set, start, swim, walk, wave等动词之后可换用,意思上没有多大差别。其区别是:

1.在含义上:away表示“距离”distance, off表示“分开”separation。away强调“不在本地”not here, off强调到“另一地方”from one point to another。试比较以下两句:

He ran away ten minutes ago.他10分钟前离开家。
Where did he run off to?—To his neigh- bour's.他跑到哪儿去了?——跑到邻居那里 去了。


make away〔off〕 with

偷走; 挥霍掉

make away with


Put away the coat.把外衣收起来。
Take off the coat.把外衣脱掉。


Keep off the grass.匆踏草地!直接源自古英语的of,意为离开
用作介词 prep.
动词+~come off脱离,从…上掉下来,从…中去除,放弃fall off从…落下get off下,离开let off让…下,放掉,放过,免除live off以…为食; 以…为生turn off转向,拐弯,使离开,使厌烦…,使对…失去兴趣fly off the handle发怒get sth off sb's hands摆脱某事物knock sb off his perch击败某人wipe off the map从地图上抹去,彻底除掉名词+~hands off…不许碰the skin off your nose干杯~+名词off key不合调的off line不在工作off the map不重要的off the wind顺风用作形容词 adj.名词+~fish off变质的鱼
用作副词 off for

有需要的某物have supplies of sth

off and on

断断续续,有时from time to time

近义词 out出far远not不of关于bad坏的away离开sour酸的from出自duty义务slay杀害aside旁白leave委托forth向前in在 … 里free自由的open开着的idle无目的murder谋杀remove消除moldy发霉的leisure闲暇holiday假日wrong错误的liberty自由on在 … 之上hit打击rotten腐烂的mouldy发霉的misled误导的on leave休假dispatch派遣turned翻转的bump off谋杀tainted感染的strange奇怪的further更远的faraway遥远的farther更远的inferior较低的abnormal反常的peculiar奇怪的mistaken犯错的off duty下班的eccentric古怪的offbeat不平常的distantly遥远地misguided搞错的erroneous错误的working做工作的on liberty在休假irregular不规则的incorrect不正确的cancelled被取消的outlying远离中心的inaccurate不准确的out of离…一段距离…subnormal正常以下的rancid有腐臭油脂味的…inedible不适于食用的…substandard标准以下的discretionary自由裁量的polish off飞快地完成…off表示状态的关闭或离开…away from远离, 从某地离开…miscalculated动词miscalcula…反义词 on在 … 之上
用作介词prep.The boat anchored off the fort.那艘船停在堡垒外面。
The ship sank off the south coast of the island.那艘船在岛的南岸沿海沉没。
It is a few minutes off three o'clock.还有几分钟就三点了。
He fell off the ladder.他从梯子上掉下来。
The kitchen's off the dining room.厨房通向餐厅。
We are going off the subject.我们正偏离正题。
He was off his seat.他离开他的位子。
They are selling the bikes off the market price.他们以低于市价的价格卖出自行车。
He is off tea.他不想喝茶。
She's off work with a bad cold.她因患重感冒而没有上班。
He borrowed a pound off me.他向我借一英镑。
This bear feeds off the leaves of the tree.这只熊依靠这棵树的树叶生存。用作副词adv.They drove off.他们开车离开了。
He's had his beard shaved off.他把胡子剃掉了。
The radio is off.录音机是关着的。
His money was off yesterday.昨天他的钱用完了。
We are off one day.我们休息一天。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.The winter is an off season.冬天是淡季。
S+be+~This fish has gone off.这条鱼已不新鲜。
用作形容词He forgot to turn off the gas torch when he left.他离开的时候忘记关掉气焊焊炬了。
Make sure the central heating is off.集中供暖设备一定要关掉。用作动词as in.begone
同义词 away,depart,hightail,leave,off,out,scat,scoot,scram,shoo,skiddoo,vamooseas in.murder
同义词 assassination,bloodshed,crime,destruction,felony,homicide,lynching,manslaughter,massacre,shooting,slaying,terrorismannihilation,blood,butchery,carnage,death,dispatching,hit,knifing,liquidation,off,offingbump-off,foul play,one-way ticket,rubout,the business,the worksas in.kill
同义词 assassinate,drown,execute,get,hit,massacre,murder,poison,slaughter,slay,wipe outannihilate,asphyxiate,crucify,dispatch,dump,electrocute,eradicate,erase,exterminate,extirpate,finish,garrote,guillotine,hang,immolate,liquidate,lynch,neutralize,obliterate,off,sacrifice,smother,snuff,strangle,suffocate,waste,zapdo away with,do in,polish off,put away,put to death,rub outas in.knock off
同义词 dispatch,dispose of,eliminate,snuff out,whackassassinate,blow away,bump off,chill,do away with,do in,dust,execute,finish,grease,hit,ice,kill,liquidate,murder,off,rub out,shoot,slay,stab,stretch out,waste,wax,zapas in.murder
同义词 assassinate,behead,butcher,decapitate,destroy,execute,exterminate,lynch,massacre,shoot,slaughter,slay,strangleabolish,asphyxiate,chill,cool,defeat,dispatch,drub,electrocute,eliminate,eradicate,extinguish,finish,garotte,guillotine,hang,hit,knife,liquidate,mangle,mar,misuse,off,ruin,smother,snuff,spoil,thrash,wasteblot out,bump off,do in,knock off,put away,rub out,take a life,take for a ride,take outas in.obliterate
同义词 annihilate,black out,eliminate,eradicate,erase,expunge,exterminate,knock out,obscure,ravage,smash,wash out,wipe outax,bog,cancel,cover,cut,defeat,delete,efface,extirpate,finish,kill,level,liquidate,nix,off,scratch,scrub,sink,squash,torpedo,total,trash,waste,zapblot out,blue pencil,do in,finish off,knock off,KO,mark out,root out,rub off,rub out,shoot down,take apart,take out,wipe off face of earth,X outas in.recede
同义词 abate,decrease,diminish,dwindle,ebb,fade,fall back,lessen,reduce,retreat,shrink,sink,subside,taper,waneback,close,decline,depart,drop,regress,retire,retract,retrograde,retrogress,returndie off,drain away,draw back,flow back,go away,go back,retrocedeas in.bump off
同义词 blot out,blow away,chill,deep-six,dispatch,dispose of,do away with,do in,dust,grease,hit,ice,kill,knock off,murder,off,polish off,rub out,snuff,snuff out,stretch out,waste,wax,whack,wipe out,zapas in.rub out
同义词 blow away,bump off,chill,deep-six,dispatch,do away with,do in,dust,erase,grease,hit,ice,kill,knock off,murder,nuke,off,snuff,snuff out,stretch out,take care of,waste,wax,whack,zapas in.snuff out
同义词 blow away,bump off,chill,dispatch,dispose of,do away with,do in,dust,grease,hit,ice,knock off,murder,off,rub out,stretch out,waste,wax,whack,zapas in.cancel
同义词 abolish,abort,annul,break off,cut,destroy,eliminate,kill,remove,repeal,rescind,revoke,wipe outabrogate,ax,break,countermand,deface,delete,efface,eradicate,expunge,obliterate,off,omit,quash,repudiate,scrub,sink,smash,squash,torpedo,total,trash,trim,undo,zapblack out,blot out,cross out,do away with,do in,finish off,go back on one's word,render invalid,rub out,scratch out,stamp across,strike out,wash out,wipe the slate clean,X outas in.retrocede
同义词 abate,back,close,decline,decrease,depart,die off,diminish,drain away,draw back,drop,dwindle,ebb,fade,fall back,flow back,go away,go back,lessen,reduce,regress,retire,retract,retreat,retrograde,retrogress,return,shrink,sink,subside,taper,waneas in.eradicate
同义词 abolish,annihilate,eliminate,erase,expunge,exterminate,extinguish,stamp out,uproot,weed out,wipe outabate,demolish,deracinate,efface,extirpate,liquidate,obliterate,off,purge,raze,scratch,scrub,squash,torpedo,total,trash,wasteblot out,do away with,mow down,root out,rub out,shoot down,take out,unroot,wash out And the trade- offs are staggering: For the cost of just one soldier in Afghanistan for one year, we could start about20 schools there.
两者之间的对比权衡也令人震惊:一个大兵在阿富汗一年的费用够我们在那里建造20所左右的学校。 yeeyan

The realities of governing, however— the trade- offs, compromises, and frustrations— dash cold water on those expectations.
然而统治的事实是,权衡利弊,不断妥协和屡屡失望给那些期望泼了一身冷水。 yeeyan

There are, however, some trade- offs involved in how we can present that information.
不过,关于如何呈现该信息涉及到一些权衡标准。 ibm

Better to hope that the IMF is called in to slash budgets and order mass lay- offs, and then to take over and blame everything on the previous lot.
他们希望最好国际货币基金组织能够介入,呼吁大砍预算,大规模裁员,然后他们接手,把全部过错推给之前的所有人和事。 ecocn

But the wave of closures and lay- offs throughout the industry was sobering.
但是报纸业的停业和裁员的浪潮也使得人们开始清醒了。 ecocn

How can you discuss the trade- offs of health-care reform, for example, with someone who thinks the government is plotting to kill grandma?
举例来说,和一个满脑子想着政府要谋杀他奶奶的人,你怎么讨论权衡医疗改革利弊的问题呢? ecocn

I have found most architectural decisions are a set of trade- offs that can only be weighed in their specific context.
我了解到,大多数架构上的决定主要是针对于功能上的取舍,这些只能在特定的环境下做出判断。 infoq

No single design fits all needs, so take the time to validate the trade- offs against the requirements of your application.
没有一种设计适合所有的需要,因此要花点时间对照应用程序需求来验证这种权衡。 ibm

Now they have something else in common: this week both announced a further round of mass lay- offs.
现在他们在某事上有共同之处了:本周这两家公司都宣布了新一轮的大规模裁员。 ecocn

They are not trade- offs but are fundamental marketing issues that always need to be addressed.
他们不是需要权衡的方面,而是需要时刻注意的基本的市场营销问题。 yeeyan

We'll take you through some of our work in this article so you can understand the trade- offs involved with each approach.
在本文中,我们将带您看一看我们所做的工作,以便您能够理解每种方法所牵涉到的权衡。 ibm

We'll explore those trade- offs further next month, when we start preparing the sample application for deployment on GAE.
我们会在下个月开始准备在 GAE上部署样例应用程序时,进一步探究这些利弊权衡。 ibm

When a company plans lay- offs it may have a severance plan in effect.
如果一个公司计划裁员的话,肯定会有立即生效的遣散计划。 hjenglish

Yet many managers are under pressure to turn their firms’ fortunes round fast. Hence the predilection for swift and sizeable lay- offs.
而且很多管理人员在压力下需要加快本公司的资金周转,因此产生了迅速且大规模的裁员行动。 ecocn

Your business and technical requirements and evaluation of trade- offs will direct you to one of the three alternatives as a viable option.
您的业务和技术的需求以及利弊权衡的评估都将指导您从这三个可选方案中找到一个可行的方案。 ibm




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