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词汇 Asm
释义 Asm.
abbr.=air-to-surface missile空对地导弹🌏自动存储管理Automatic Storage Management;美国金属学会American Society for Metals;汇编assembly
In this article, I've gone through the basics of how generics information is stored in the binary class representation and how it can be accessed using ASM.
本文介绍了一些基础知识,包括泛型信息在二进制类表示中的存储方式及使用 ASM访问泛型信息的方法等。 ibm

The detailed level interface is unfortunately somewhat complex, but that's because of the complexity of the signature definitions rather than any poor handling in the ASM code.
很不幸,细节级接口有些复杂,但其原因在于签名定义的复杂性,而不是 ASM代码处理不力。 ibm

The ASM class writing program also produces some ugly looking code, but with some minor cleanup it does seem useful.
ASM的类编写程序也会产生一些难看的代码,但是只需稍做整理,它看起来就有用了。 ibm

Under the covers, the CGLIB library uses ASM, a small but fast bytecode manipulation framework, to transform existing bytecode and generates new classes.
CGLIB包的底层是通过使用一个小而快的字节码处理框架 ASM,来转换字节码并生成新的类。

As discussed in preceding section, the CGLIB library is a high- level layer on top of ASM.
正如我们先前所讨论的, CGLIB包是在 ASM之上的一个高级别的层。

Before I get into the actual ASM code used for analyzing classes, I'll start off with the simpler issues of how I want to represent and organize the data structure information.
在进入分析类所使用的实际 ASM代码之前,我先介绍表示和组织数据结构信息时一些比较简单的问题。 ibm

Besides working with signatures as strings, ASM also supports working with signatures at the detail level.
除将签名作为字符串处理外, ASM还支持在细节级处理签名。 ibm

First, I'll include ASM in the time-to- generate comparisons.
首先,我要把 ASM包含在生成时间的比较中。 ibm

For this column, I'll skip these other features and just move on to the ASM code used to process the annotations and modify a class.
对于本文,我将跳过其他的特性,继续来看用于处理注释和修改类的 ASM代码。 ibm

In addition, ASM2. X also adds support for parsing the sometimes complex signature string encoding to interpret the details of the signature.
另外, ASM2. X还增加了对签名字符串有时非常复杂编码进行解析的支持,从而可翻译签名细节。 ibm

In holding with the basic ASM philosophy, the same interface can also be used for a writer to generate signature strings on demand.
按照 ASM的基本原理,相同的接口还可供写入器使用以按需生成签名字符串。 ibm

In this month's column, I'll look into how well ASM delivers on this intent, comparing it to the other two libraries for an example I used in the series.
在本月的这一期文章中,我将深入研究 ASM在这一点上做得到底如何,将它与其他两个用作本系列中的示例的库进行比较。 ibm

It is using bytecode instrumentation based on the ASM bytecode library to generate code and redefine classes in order to implement this in the most effective way possible.
它使用字节码方法基于 ASM来生成代码重定义 Class,以最高效的方式支持Continuations的实现。 infoq

Listing3 gives the ASM implementation subclass.
清单3给出了 ASM实现的子类。 ibm

Next month, I'll show how the ASM analysis approach compares to the reflection support I covered this month.
下个月,我将介绍 ASM的分析方式并与在本月讨论的反射支持进行比较。 ibm

Next month, I'm going to finish my coverage of generics with a recursive data structure analyzer built around ASM.
下个月我将引入一种围绕 ASM构建的递归数据结构分析器,完成泛型的介绍。 ibm

One reason for this is because of the basic design of ASM.
原因之一在于 ASM的基本设计。 ibm

Some older languages such as ASM are also supported, so make sure to search for plug-ins in case you're using some other languages which was not in the above list.
一些老旧语言例如 ASM也依然支持,因此如果你使用的语言没在所支持的列表中,请搜索相关的插件。 infoq

This begs the question how do you go about scaling agile in practice, and this is where the Agile Scaling Model ASM comes in to play.
这解决了你如何在实践中对敏捷进行缩放的问题,同时也正是敏捷缩放模型 ASM起作用的地方。 infoq

To illustrate the ASM detailed signature handling, I'll show the methods called by parsing some of the signatures discussed earlier in this article.
为举例说明 ASM的细节级签名处理,我将解析本文前面所讨论的某些签名,从而介绍方法。 ibm

Unlike the other libraries, ASM was designed and implemented to be as small and fast as possible.
与其他库不同, ASM被设计和实现为尽可能小而快。 ibm

When decoding an existing class, ASM generates the stream of events for you, calling your methods for processing the events.
在解码现有类的时候, ASM会为您生成事件流,并调用处理事件的方法。 ibm

ASM is another, more recent library of this type.
ASM是这种类型的另一个更新的库。 ibm

ASM visits the field first, followed by the annotation and annotation values.
ASM首先访问字段,接着访问注释和注释值。 ibm

ASM2.0 makes processing annotations easy.
ASM2.0使处理注释变得更容易了。 ibm

ASM2. X provides full support for Java5 JVM changes, including reading and writing signatures.
ASM2. X全面支持 Java5 JVM更改,包括读取和写入签名。 ibm




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