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词汇 offense
释义 of·fense 英əˈfens美əˈfɛnsAHDə-fĕnsʹ ●○○○○高四六I牛6八COCA³⁴⁰²BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb³⁵⁷⁵

a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or othersa feeling of anger caused by being offended;

he took offence at my question

criminal law an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act;

a long record of crimes

the team that has the ball or puck and is trying to scorethe action of attacking an enemy来自offend,进攻,冒犯,-s,过去分词后缀,此处做名词使用。引申词义前锋。give offense to 触怒使 … …give offense 触怒(使 … …criminal offense犯罪flank offense侧面进攻capital offense死罪key to the offense进攻的关键attack攻击offence犯罪take offense at发怒strategic offense战略进攻without offense不见怪,不动怒…an offense against decency有失体面的事,违反社…No offense!不要见怪!没有冒犯你…cause offense to使(某人生气…take offense生气cause offense使某人生气…make an offense against something违背commit an offense against something违背make an offense违背commit an offense违背
非常记忆of关于〖熟词〗+fense粉丝〖谐音〗⇒关于粉丝的过错,一会再追究of=ob,对着+fens击打+e→对着击打,攻击⇒冒犯,攻击,犯罪。来自offendv. 冒犯来自offendv. 冒犯近义词 run跑side边lunge刺foe敌人slur诽谤huff气恼tiff一口crime犯罪fault缺点pique生气lapse过失odium憎恶onset攻击seige围城enemy敌人siege包围felony重罪attack攻击insult侮辱breach破坏charge责任hatred仇恨enmity敌意sortie出击umbrage阴影outrage暴行assault攻击affront侮辱disgust厌恶storm暴风雨sally俏皮话offence犯罪slight轻微的atrocity暴行enormity暴行aversion嫌恶invasion侵略raid突然袭击violation违反onslaught猛攻animosity憎恶antipathy憎恶hostility敌意repulsion厌恶annoyance烦恼revulsion剧变incursion侵犯indignity侮辱wrongdoing坏事resentment怨恨infraction违反peccadillo轻罪opposition反对animus基本态度aggression进攻assailment攻击invaders入侵者indignation愤怒misdeed不端行为shortcoming缺点dereliction废弃profaneness渎神abomination憎恨malfeasance渎职petulance发脾气detestation憎恶bombardment炮击discourtesy无礼misdemeanor轻罪provocation激怒infringement驳斥trespass非法侵入delict〈律〉轻罪repugnance不一致blitzkrieg闪电战opposing反作用的transgression违反sacrilege亵渎圣物displeasure不愉快blasphemy亵渎神明offensive令人不快的desecration亵渎神圣encounter意外的相见disapprobation不答应law-breaking违反法律criminal offense犯罪blitz闪击尤指空袭…misdemeanour坏事sin原罪delinquency少年犯罪…criminal offence刑事犯罪dragonnade对新教徒之迫害…abhorrence可憎恶的人或事…反义词 defense防卫

用作名词Others assume it's a victimlessoffense.也有些人认为这是无害过错。
That dirty old house is anoffenseto the eye.那幢肮脏的旧房子令人看了很不舒服。
Nooffense, sir, but we're searching every vehicle.恕我冒犯,但我们在搜查每一辆车。
He is quick to takeoffense.他很易发怒。
The author of the best seller of last week is think by the police of repeatoffense.上周最畅销书的作者被警察当局认为又是再次犯规。
Harboring criminals is anoffensein law.窝藏罪犯是犯法的。
It is anoffenseto litter handbills.请勿乱丢宣传单张,违者必究。
Theoffensehas improved as well.进攻方面也有获得改善。noun.violation, trespass
同义词 breach,crime,infraction,misdeed,misdemeanor,sin,transgression,wrongdoingdelinquency,fault,lapse,malfeasance,peccadillo,wrong
反义词 behavior,good deed,obedience,perfectionhappiness,kindness,pleasurenoun.insult, displeasure
同义词 assault,attack,injuryaffront,aggression,battery,blitz,blitzkrieg,dig,harm,hit,hurt,indignation,indignity,injustice,mugging,onset,onslaught,outrage,push,put-down,slam,slight,snub,zingerassailment,black eye,dirty dig,left-handed compliment,slap in the face
反义词 aid,health,compliment,flattery,glee,happiness,joy,praise,respectkindness,obedience,pleasurenoun.anger, hard feelings
同义词 annoyance,conniption,displeasure,explosion,fit,flare-up,huff,indignation,ire,miff,needle,outburst,pique,resentment,scene,tantrum,tizzy,umbrage,wrathwounded feelings
反义词 calm,cheer,composure,delight,happiness,joy,love,peace,pleasurekindness,obedience
abominationnoun wrongdoing
abusenoun physical hurting, injuring
affrontnoun an insult
abuse,backhanded compliment,brickbat,dirty deed,indignity,injury,left-handed compliment,offense,outrage,provocation,put down,slap,slap in the face,slight,slur,vexation,wrong
aggressionnoun attack, often military
assailmentnoun attack
atrocitiesnoun cruelness, offensiveness;widely condemned action
abominations,barbarities,brutality,crimes,enormities,evils,horrors,infamy,inhumanities,iniquities,monstrosities,offenses,outrages,ruthlessness,savageries,viciousness,wrongs That’s the pattern: So many of the people in your jails are doctors and intellectuals whose only offense is to dream of democracy.
现状是,您的监狱关押了如此之多的学者和知识分子,他们的冒犯只因梦想着民主。 yeeyan

The matter was being investigated to “see if it rises to the level of some kind of offense, ” sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said.
警方发言人史蒂夫·惠特莫尔说,警方对这一事件进行了调查,以“确认这一事件是否到了违法的地步”。 hxen

The spacing and balance of their offense helps them get back into the proper defensive positions.

“ You are not beating a team like the Boston Celtics with one guy as the focal point of the offense,” Wade said.
“要是只有一位球员能在进攻端做出贡献,是不能击败波士顿凯尔特人这样的球队的,”韦德说。 yeeyan

And because we are talking about values that people care about, the possibility of giving offense is all too real.
而且因为我们正在谈论的价值观是人们所关心的,所以冒犯别人的可能是很容易变成现实。 yeeyan

But, the offense that caused the debt is still there and can be remembered.
但是,引起罪过冒犯对象还在而且有时会想起来。 yeeyan

Carr was not arrested or cited with any offense.
卡尔并没有因任何过错而被拘捕或传讯。 yeeyan

Find out what the offense was before apologizing, or risk making things worse by coming off as patronizing.
找出自己究竟是什么地方冒犯了对方,不要盲目地道歉或者去以恩人的姿态自居。 kekenet

His words gave great offense to everybody present.

If you are struggling with the very idea of forgiving an offense, you are not alone.
如果你也在为了能否原谅某个过错而作思想斗争,那么你不是一个人在战斗。 yeeyan

Mandatory sentencing, then, is morally acceptable only if the mandatory punishment is at the lowest extreme of the continuum of reasonable penalties for the offense.
而强制审判只有在执行相对于冒犯行为来说的一系列合理惩罚中的最低程度者时才是道德上可接受的。 yeeyan

No offense, but what is it with old guys, anyway?
不是冒犯你,可是老头子有什么东西呢? yeeyan

Republican leaders have forgotten that the best defense against big- government Democrats is an aggressive offense.
共和党领导人忘记了对大政府的最好防守就是积极的进攻。 yeeyan

So in this case, the best defense is a good offense!
攻击你猖獗所以,在这种情况下,进攻是最好的防御! yeeyan

Take the situation facing Joseph Mortimer, a Miami man convicted of a sex offense in1993.
约瑟夫.莫蒂默,一个在1993年曾经性犯罪的迈阿密男人,就面临这样的处境。 yeeyan

The one positive aspect of these annoying coworkers is that they tend to unite the rest of us who can bond over the latest outrageous offense.
这些讨人厌的同事唯一的好处就是能让我们这些能够忍受这些无耻的冒犯的人团结起来。 hjenglish

The offense has the chance to be elite if Yao regains his old form and becomes a go-to player in the post.
如果姚明能保持他原有的状态并能成为阵容中关键人物,那么火箭的进攻就有机会是最伟大的。 yeeyan

Then why do you say that you have committed no offense?
那你怎么能说你没有犯罪呢? yeeyan

They take advantage of the opportunities given to them on offense and know where to be on defense.
他们能够充分把握在进攻端的机会,也知道在防守端该做些什么。 yeeyan

We got impatient on offense and that played into their hands.
我们在进攻上失去了耐心,完全被他们所掌握。 ebigear

What is your offense, my friend?
你犯的什么事我的朋友? yeeyan




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