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词汇 Oedipus
释义 Oed·i·pus 英ˈedəpəs, ˈiːdə-美ˈɛdəpəs, ˈidə-AHDĕdʹə-pəs, ēʹdə- 

Greek mythology a tragic king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta; the subject of the drama `Oedipus Rex' by Sophocles希腊神话中英雄忒拜Thebe的国王拉伊俄斯Laius和王后约卡斯塔Jocasta的儿子。神谕说:“国王的儿子将要杀父娶母。”所以孩子一出生就被扔到山上,但被救活,并长大了。一次,他失手打死一个老人,这正是他的生父。后来,他来到忒拜,为当地人除去人面狮身怪兽,被拥戴为忒拜王,并娶了前王的妻子——正是他的生母。注定的命运还是实现了。母亲悲愤自杀,他也弄瞎了双眼,最后死在雅典附近复仇女神的圣林里。Oedipus complex恋母情结
A king of Thebes who was mistakenly killed by his own son,Oedipus.拉伊俄斯底比斯国王,被他自己的儿子俄底浦斯误杀 Arthur Miller, in Death of a Salesman, develops the ancient Oedipus theme through the interaction between Father and Son in a modern family.
阿瑟·米勒在其著名剧作《推销员之死》中通过一个现代家庭中的父子关系演绎了俄狄浦斯情结这一古老的主题。 iciba

In his later life, Sophocles would become famous for his adaptation of the tragedy of Oedipus, a lost trilogy initially written by Aeschylus.
后来,索福克勒斯因改写悲剧《俄狄浦斯》而名声大噪,而这本失传已久的三部曲最初是由埃斯库罗斯执笔的。 yeeyan

Signund Freud interpreted King Oedipus by means of his psychoanalysis theory as an instrument.
弗洛伊德对《俄狄浦斯王》的全新解读,是以他的精神分析学作为工具的。 cnki

Whenever people talk about Sons and Lovers, they are inclined to relate it to Oedipus complex, as if the novel well illustrates Freudism.
说到《儿子与情人》 ,人们就会提到俄狄浦斯情结,仿佛这部小说是弗洛伊德这个理论的最好诠释。 iciba

“The Seven Against Thebes” 467 BCE is the last part of his lost trilogy dealing with the life of Oedipus.
《七将攻忒拜》西元前467年是他的遗失的关于俄狄浦斯一生的三部曲中的最后一部。 yeeyan

Chapter one analyzes the development of the disguised ancient Oedipus theme in this modern play.
第一章简述俄狄浦斯这一古老主题的现代演绎。 cnki

For a long time after this event, Oedipus lived in honour and prosperity. Four unnatural children.
对于这件事之后很久,俄狄浦斯住在荣誉和繁荣。四奇异的孩子。 youeredu

He is Lear, Romeo, Oedipus, Tiresias; he has stepped out of a play and even the woman he loves is Rosalind, Cleopatra, never The Dark Lady.

His nephew, Philocles, later became the first tragedian to win a victory over Sophocles' enormously successful tragedy“ Oedipus Tyrannus.”
后来,他的侄子菲罗塞尔超越了索福克勒斯极其成功的一部悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》,赢得了当时第一悲剧作家的称号。 yeeyan

If that's the case, it's a classic Freudian case, the frustrations of an Oedipus complex.
如果这是真的,那就成了一个经典的弗洛伊德式案例了。 yeeyan

It is a perfect instance of the Oedipus complex.

One of the versions that I have made use of to arrive at this scientific conclusion is, for example, Freud's version of the Oedipus myth.

That resulted in Anti- Oedipus, which marked a new progression.
结果我们出版了「反伊底普斯」,作为一个新发展的里程碑。 iciba

The young man was Oedipus, who thus unknowingly became the slayer of his own father.
这位青年就是俄狄浦斯。他在不明真相的情况下杀死了自己的父亲。 jukuu

When Oedipus abused Tiresias as having had a hand in the murder of Laius, Tiresias had the fearless courage to tell the truth that Oedipus was the murderer.
当奥狄浦斯指责泰瑞西斯参与谋杀了拉伊俄斯时,泰瑞西斯勇敢地讲出了事实真相:奥狄浦斯才是凶手。 ebigear

Oedipus became king of Thebes and husband of the queen, his mother.
俄狄浦斯成了底比斯的国王和王后,他的母亲的丈夫。 youeredu

Oedipus had not gone far on his way to Thebes when he saw a cart coming towards him.
俄狄浦斯没走多远的途中,当他看到一底比斯车朝他走来。 youeredu

Oedipus jumped onto the cart and killed him in his anger. of the five servants who followed their master on foot, only one escaped narrowly.
俄狄浦斯跳上车,他一气之下杀死了他的五个随从谁遵循徒步自己的主人,只有一个侥幸逃生。 youeredu

Oedipus met Sphinx on a cliff.
俄狄浦斯上遇到了狮身人面像悬崖。 youeredu




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