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词汇 odyssey
释义 od·ys·sey 英ˈɒdɪsiː美ˈɑdɪsiAHDŏdʹĭ-sē

a long wandering and eventful journeya Greek epic poem attributed to Homer describing the journey of Odysseus after the fall of Troy在希腊神话中,经过特洛伊战争之后,在希腊军回家途中,因为英雄奥德修斯 Odysseus激怒海神波赛顿,所以波赛顿降临灾祸于他,使他们遇到海难,全军覆没。奥德修斯虽因机智和勇敢逃过一劫,但波赛顿的愤怒未息,故使奥 德修斯找不到回家的航线而在大海里漂流,历经了各种奇遇。而另一方面他的妻子不知奥德修斯的生死,面对着蛮横的求婚者就只有苦等着丈夫的回来。最后在诸神 的帮忙下,经过十年漂流生活的奥德修斯终于回到家里与他的妻子团聚,并与儿子和忠实的老仆联手杀死了求婚者。
荷马史诗之一的《奥德赛》Odyssey就讲述了奥德修斯的历险记,是古希腊最 重要的两部史诗之一另一部是《伊利亚特》。《奥德赛》延续了《伊利亚特》的故事情节,相传为盲诗人荷马所作。这部史诗是西方文学的奠基之作,是除《伊 利亚特》外现存最古老的西方文学作品。在英语中,人们用odyssey一词来比喻漫长的历险旅程。
odyssey:'ɑdəsi n.漫长的历险旅程,古希腊史诗《奥德赛》odyssey远行
GRE红宝书源于: 荷马史诗中记述的奥德修斯在特洛伊失败后的漂泊生活, 他在十年的漂泊后才回到家.
奥德赛, 源自荷马史诗Odyssey,希腊英雄奥德修斯花十年返乡的故事
来自荷马史诗奥德赛 , 其主人公长途冒险
用作名词Odyssey does not carry instruments that can search for life on Mars.奥德赛号没有携带可以探索火星存在生物的仪器。
Greek Epic poet,two of the greatest works in Western literature,the Iliad and the Odyssey,are attributed to him.荷马希腊史诗作者创作了西方文学最伟大的两部作品伊利亚特和奥德赛。noun.journey
同义词 adventure,excursion,expedition,exploration,pilgrimage,quest,sojourn,trektour,travels,trip,voyage,wanderings
journeynoun travel from one place to another
journeysnoun excursion
juggernautnoun overpowering force
treknoun long journey
expedition,footslog,hegira,hike,long haul,march,odyssey,peregrination,slog,tramp,travel,trip“The story of Odyssey exists in clumps of ideas and energy, griping emotions and the simplicity of truth beyond words, ” she explains to us.
“奥德赛的故事存在于众多的理想与活力之中、情绪控制之中以及显而易见而又难以言表的真相之中,”她向我们解释着。 kekenet

After a33- year odyssey, NASA's Voyager1 has reached a zone where there is no outward- blowing solar wind.
33年奥德赛式的漫长旅行后, NASA的旅行者1号到达了一个没有向外吹拂的太阳风的区域。 yeeyan

As I got into my Honda Odyssey minivan and drove to practice, I was just another pom- pom girl again.
然后我坐上本田奥德赛小面包车,开出去发泄下。 这不我又是一个拉拉队美少女了。 yeeyan

Before shutting down each night, the rovers send pictures and other data of their positions to an orbiter called Mars Odyssey, which relays them back to mission control.
结束当天工作之前,漫游车会向“火星奥德赛”人造卫星发送照片以及他们所在地点的其他数据,卫星随后将信息转回任务控制中心。 yeeyan

But metaphorically, Odyssey is a much bigger story than that, where the attributes and abilities of mankind soar to an unseen, indescribable level.
但实际上,《奥德赛》的故事远不止于此,其中的人性特质与人类能力翱翔于一个难以瞥见而又难以描述的层面上。 kekenet

He quotes Lao Tzu, makes references to Homer’s “ Odyssey, ” explains the pitfalls of private equity and analyzes China’s place in the global financial crisis.
他引用老子和荷马史诗《奥德赛》﹐来解释私募基金的陷阱并分析中国在全球经济危机中的作用。 yeeyan

I reread the Odyssey at the time, which I had first read in school and remembered as the story of a homecoming.
那时我重读了《奥德赛》,这本书我还是在中学时代头一次读的,记得是个回归故里的故事。 yeeyan

In this latest collection she calls Odyssey, Rogers explores such grand themes as birth, life and death.
在她命名为“奥德赛”的最新作品集中,罗杰探索了出生,生活与死亡这样宏大的主题。 kekenet

It is clearly modeled on Odysseus' descent to Hades in the Odyssey.

Like Homer's epic Odyssey, life is an exciting and tumultuous adventure filled with thrilling characters to meet along the way.
就像荷马史诗《奥德赛》一样,生活是一次震撼人物的陆续登场的冒险,振奋人心而又纷乱繁杂。 kekenet

Moscow abstained from vetoing the UN Security Council resolution authorizing Operation Odyssey Dawn.
联合国安理会就奥德赛黎明计划表决时,莫斯科放弃了自己的否决权。 yeeyan

THE FIRST stage of the “multiphase” Operation Odyssey Dawn may already be over.
奥德赛拂晓“联合”行动首阶段或已结束。 ecocn

Then we went with Tony and Cherie Blair, Bertie Ahern, and George Mitchell to a large meeting of both Catholics and Protestants in the Odyssey Arena.
然后,我同布莱尔夫妇、伯蒂·埃亨、乔治·米切尔一同参加了天主教徒和新教教徒在奥德赛体育场举行的一场大型会议。 yeeyan

THUS President Barack Obama tonight, speaking to the American people directly for the first time since launching Operation Odyssey Dawn and unleashing American missiles in Libya.
因此,今晚,奥巴马总统首次就发动利比亚奥德赛黎明行动和发射美国战斧导弹向美国民众进行说明。 ecocn

To its supporters, Odyssey is a reputable, publicly listed company that follows strict archaeological guidelines in a legitimate search for sunken vessels around the globe.
对支持者来说,奥德赛公司是一家声誉卓著的上市公司,该公司严格按照考古法规,在全球范围内合法地搜寻沉船。 yeeyan

Unlike other films of that era, A Space Odyssey showed outer space as a silent place, rather than as a hotbed of deafening explosions.
与那个时代的其他影片不同,太空奥德赛展显了一个平静的外太空,并非是一个爆炸声震耳欲聋的温床。 yeeyan

Using the O series of letters, Africom officials picked out “ Odyssey” for the first word.
在使用 O字母系列时,非洲司令部官员采用“奥德赛”作为首单词。 yeeyan

We read The Odyssey as an aid to thinking about the role of family in a good life, as the beating heart of meaning.
我们阅读奥德赛,是为了帮助我们思考家庭对于一份美好生活的意义,是为了探索人生意义。 yeeyan

When they hit the road the next day, heading home, she sat as far as possible from her husband, in the third row of seats in their Honda Odyssey minivan.
当他们第二天开着本田奥德赛微型面包车走在返乡路上的时候,她坐在了第三排座位上,以求离她丈夫越远越好。 yeeyan

Odyssey said it was abiding by stringent archaeological guidelines and retained the right to seek financial reward for its work.
奥德赛公司则说它完全严格遵守有关考古的法规,有权从公司进行的工作中取得经济回报。 yeeyan

Odyssey signed a deal with the Government to recover the bullion, but Spain's authorities have prevented it from returning to the site.
奥德赛公司与英国政府签约打捞沉船,但是西班牙当局阻止该公司返回打捞现场。 yeeyan

Odyssey unveiled its latest find at press conferences held simultaneously in London and New York yesterday.
奥德赛公司昨天在伦敦和纽约的新闻发布会上同时公布了该项最新发现。 yeeyan




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