

单词 octopus
释义 oc·to·pus 英ˈɒktəpəs美ˈɑktəpəsAHDŏkʹtə-pəs ☆☆☆☆☆高IST八GCOCA²²⁹⁴⁰BNC¹⁹⁹⁷¹iWeb¹¹⁵⁵¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

tentacles of octopus prepared as foodbottom-living cephalopod having a soft oval body with eight long tentaclesocta-,八,-pus,脚,词源同foot.用于指章鱼。octopus pot章鱼笼
oct八+o连接字母+pus=pod,足→八足动物⇒章鱼。近义词 devilfish大鳐鱼

用作名词Oneoctopushas eight tentacles.一条章鱼有八根触角。
Who can know the woe of myoctopus.谁能知道我章鱼的悲哀。as in.corporation
同义词 business,company,enterpriseassociation,corporate body,legal entity,multinational,partnership,society,syndicatebunch,clan,crew,jungle,megacorp,mob,outfit,ring,shell,zoo
corporationnoun business organization, usually large
association,bunch,business,clan,company,corporate body,crew,enterprise,jungle,legal entity,megacorp,mob,multinational,outfit,partnership,ring,shell,society,syndicate,zoo
corporationsnoun business organization, usually large
associations,bunches,businesses,clans,companies,corporate bodies,crews,crowds,enterprises,gangs,hookups,jungles,legal entities,megacorps,mobs,multinationals,octopuses,outfits,partnerships,rings,shells,societies,syndicates,zoos While traditional preparation involves crushed chillies, ginger and garlic, ZEZ chars its octopus and serves it with smoked eggplant drizzled with a white balsamic vinaigrette.
传统的调料剂包括辣椒粉,姜粉和大蒜粉。 ZEZ会把章鱼烤焦,并配着烟熏的洒有白香料醋茄子提供给顾客。 i21st

After Argentina lost to Germany in the quarter- final, Argentines threatened to kill the octopus and put him in a paella.
阿根廷在四分之一决赛负于德国后,阿根廷人威胁要杀死这条章鱼并做成西班牙海鲜饭。 yeeyan

After centuries of speculation, biologists have documented one way a strange group of octopus-like creatures use their seashell- shaped cases.
在经过数世纪的猜测之后,生物学家终于揭开章鱼旁系利用贝壳状外表的离奇生存方式。 yeeyan

An octopus in Germany called Paul who has shot to stardom for his spot- on World Cup predictions forecast on Tuesday a quarter- final win by Germany over Argentina.
德国一只因准确预测世界杯赛果而一举成名的章鱼“保罗”于本周二又做出了新的预测:德国队将在四分之一决赛中打败阿根廷队。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Another dish, sannakji “ live octopus”, features squirming tentacles dipped in a sesame oil and salt sauce.
另外一种美食,活章鱼,以将蠕动的触手蘸着放了盐的芝麻油的吃法为特色。 yeeyan

But the digital Doctor Octopus did not speak, and its body movements were still entirely based on computer animation.
但是,数码版的章鱼博士不能说话,他的肢体动作也仍完全依靠电脑动画。 ecocn

In South Korea, octopus is perhaps second in popularity only to kimchi, the unofficial national dish.
在韩国,章鱼与非官方国菜:泡菜相比较可能是第二流行的菜肴。 yeeyan

Now stocks of octopus, lobsters, tuna and other fish in this part of the Atlantic are dangerously low, contributing to the impoverishment of local fishermen.
现在大西洋的这一海域章鱼、龙虾、金枪鱼和其它鱼类的存量少到濒于灭绝,这导致了当地渔民的贫困。 ecocn

On Mahe Island, the Four Seasons's open-air restaurant ZEZ offers a mix of Creole and Mediterranean food, including grilled octopus, a national staple.
在马埃岛上,四季露天餐馆 ZEZ提供混合克里奥尔和地中海式样的食物,包括烤章鱼该国主要出口产品之一。 i21st

Paul the octopus, the oracle of the World Cup in South Africa, has become an official ambassador for England's bid to host the tournament in2018, organizers said Friday.
有关组织者于上周五称,因预测南非世界杯而一举成名的神算章鱼保罗已成为英格兰申办2018年世界杯的官方形象大使。 edu.sina.com.cn

Questions This Movie Will Raise: Did he just eat a living octopus?
电影引发的问题:他真的吃下了一只活的章鱼吗? yeeyan

Recently the bakers created an octopus complete with tentacles and suckers for a charity event held for a local aquarium.
最近,面包师为当地水族馆举行的慈善活动制作了这只章鱼,它拥有完整的触手和吸盘。 yeeyan

Should you run across this tiny vividly colored octopus, you may think to grab it to take home to your salt water tank.
当你和这个生动颜色的章鱼不期而遇时,也许你会想去把它抓回家放在你的咸水浴缸里。 yeeyan

Spearers tend to specialise in softer-bodied prey, such as fish, squid and octopus.
喜欢用矛的家伙们似乎偏好身体柔软的猎物,如鱼类、乌贼和章鱼。 yeeyan

Stung by Paul's “ treachery, ” some sections of the350, 000-strong crowd watching the game on giant screens in Berlin sang anti- octopus songs.
德国人被保罗的“背叛”深深刺伤后,在柏林的大屏幕前看球赛的350,000名观众中的一部分“过激分子”唱起了“反章鱼”之歌。 yeeyan

Suction cups are not typically on the American menu, but in Korea, the consumption of live baby octopus tentacles is considered a hoe raw dish delicacy.
这些长得跟吸盘一样的家伙们可不是传统的美国菜,但是在韩国,小章鱼的触手冷盘却被当成是一道珍馐供人们享用。 yeeyan

The first one is Paul the Octopus.
首先名列榜首的是章鱼保罗。 cri

The nocturnal animals hide in underwater caves by day, then venture out at night, feeding on small fish, squid, and octopus.
这种夜行性动物白天时隐藏在水底洞穴里,晚上才出来冒险,它们以小鱼、乌贼和章鱼为食。 yeeyan

Then suddenly two eyes caught him in their glare and the octopus emerged from the darkness.
黑暗中,突然有两只雪亮的眼睛盯住了彩虹鱼,紧接着章鱼游了出来。 hjenglish




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