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词汇 askew
释义 askew əˈSkjuː 
a.歪斜的to one side;awryv.歪斜,弯曲
turned or twisted toward one side;

a…youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry

his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff

turned or twisted to one side;

rugs lying askew

with his necktie twisted awry

可能同辅音根s-k, 表示歪,斜,见askance, 斜的。askew, 斜的。skew,斜的。askew arch斜拱askew bridge斜桥
ask问+ew看作new,新的→小孩总爱歪头打听新事物⇒歪斜的词根记忆a + skew歪斜的⇒歪斜的近义词 awry扭曲的wrong错误的wonky动摇的crooked弯曲的twisted扭曲的sideways向旁边uneven不平坦的crookedly弯曲地skewwhiff歪斜的cockeyed斗鸡眼的off-centre偏心的skew-whiff歪斜的disorderly无秩序的wry面部肌肉扭曲的…lopsided倾向一方的off center不在正中misaligned线向不正的out of line不成一直线bentbend的过去式和过去分…out of kilter不正常工作的…skewed动词skew的过去式,动…off-centeradj, adv 偏心的…off centre偏心的不对称地…

用作形容词The picture over there isaskew.那儿的画挂歪了。
He arrived out of breath with his tieaskew.他到的时候气喘吁吁,领带系歪着。用作副词His glasses had been knockedaskewby the blow.他的眼镜一下子被打歪了。adj.crooked
同义词 awry,off-centeraskance,askant,aslant,bent,buckled,catawampus,cockeyed,crookedly,curved,knotted,lopsided,oblique,obliquely,slanted,slanting,to one side,topsy-turvey,turned,twisted,yaw ways,zigzag
askanceadverb sideways
awryadjective off course;amiss
deformedadjective disfigured, distorted
askew,awry,bent,blemished,bowed,buckled,contorted,cramped,crippled,crooked,curved,damaged,disjointed,gnarled,grotesque,humpbacked,hunchbacked,ill-made,irregular,knotted,maimed,malformed,mangled,marred,misproportioned,misshapen,out of shape,scarred,twisted,ugly,warped
diagonaladjective having an oblique direction
distortedadjective crooked
erroneousadjective wrong, incorrect
all off,all wet,amiss,askew,awry,defective,fallacious,false,faulty,flawed,inaccurate,inexact,invalid,misguided,mistaken,off,specious,spurious,unfounded,unsound,untrue,way-off,wrong number And the fact that I was present, available for explanations should the instructions or application prove too confusing, throws askew any scientific observations about user behavior.
这里我表达的观点可以解释对于太过混乱的指南,是把任何对用户的科学观察抛在脑后而得出的。 yeeyan

Dummies sprawled across shop windows, expensive sunglasses askew.
商店里的模特倒在橱窗中,昂贵的太阳眼镜斜斜地挂在他脸上。 yeeyan

His eyes caught his own reflection in a mirror hanging askew from bubbled marble.

In a position that is turned or twisted toward one side; askew.
处于转弯或歪向一边的位置地;斜地。 qiongdian

The bamboo door of the but had been damaged and now hung askew like the broken wing of a bird.
竹门也打坏了,歪斜地挂在那里,像是受伤的翼膀。 bab

A big feather bobbing in his turban- fez, huge glasses askew, and his false moustaches flying!
一根大羽毛在他土耳其毡帽式的头巾上摇晃,斜带着一副巨大的眼镜,假胡子快飞了起来! ecocn

As sunlight enters our atmosphere, it bends slightly. This is due to refraction, the same thing that makes a pencil look slightly askew when you stick it half way into a glass of water.
当阳光进入大气层,会因为折射而发生轻微的弯曲,就象把铅笔的一半插入一玻璃杯水中,铅笔会看起来有点倾斜。 putclub

Clearly, artificially pumping up exports is now seen as having left the world askew.
显然,人工助推出口在现在看来无异于在歪曲这个世界。 yeeyan

He unfurls his previously hidden carrot- orange crest and streaks out at her, wings askew, then darts back to hide again.
他打开先前收起的橙黄色羽冠,斜张着翅膀,像一道闪电向雌鸟冲去,然后迅速撤回,把自己藏了起来。 yeeyan

If man is an iron- balance that weigh pains and pleasures, the scales are sadly askew.
假如人是一架称量痛苦和快乐的铁质天平,不幸的是:天平斜了。 ecocn

In the terminal, she sleeps on my shoulder, Hair falling forward, mouth all askew.

Logic, of course, goes askew if too much attention is paid to individual results.
如果过分关注单场的交锋记录,逻辑出现差错便是自然而然的事了。 yeeyan

Mathematically precise calculations can be thrown severely askew by small round- off errors caused by finite- precision floating-point numbers.
由有限精度浮点数字引起的很小的舍入错误就会严重歪曲数学精度计算。 ibm

Scruffy he might be, with tie askew and too- short trousers, but he was not a tramp.
虽然,他也许衣装褴褛、领带斜系、裤子太短,但他并不是一个流浪汉。 ecocn

The Hunter pair, halfway up the steps, stood stunned and bloodied by the concussive force, their impenetrable shields askew.
在踏步半当中的猎人兄弟,站在那里被冲击力炸得头晕目眩流着血,它们那难以穿透的护盾歪斜着。 tianya

They hang a picture askew.
他们把画挂斜了。 putclub

This is due to refraction, the same thing that makes a pencil look slightly askew when you stick it half way into a glass of water.
这是因为折射作用,这跟你把铅笔的一半放在一杯水中,会看起来有点歪斜的道理是一样的。 putclub

This is an authenticated strategy that seldom goes askew.

When reaming iron links, the reamer should not be askew.
削铁链时铰刀不能歪斜。 nciku

When the villagers passed the ugly girl's house, they saw it had been painted anew, the windows sparkled, and the door no longer hung askew.
村民路过丑女孩家时,他们看到房子已粉刷一新,窗户闪闪发亮,门也不再歪斜。 yeeyan

Your heart could be, and often is, askew.
你的内心可能而且往往是不平静的。 yeeyan




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