

单词 octane number
释义 octane number ˈɔkteinˈnʌmbə 短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺

a measure of the antiknock properties of gasoline近义词 rating等级octane rating 辛烷值
For gasoline production the octane loss has to be minimized.生产汽油时辛烷值之丧失,必须抑制到最低程度。
The binary parameters can be obtained by fitting the octane numbers of the binary components.实算表明,模型与有关的实测辛烷值符合较好。 It has been used as an alternative of gasoline, improvers for octane number and oxygen content in gasoline.
在国外曾以汽油替代物、辛烷值改进剂和增加汽油氧含量三大作用添加到汽油中。 chemyq

Some properties of petroleum products in refinery such as gasoline octane number and diesel cetane number are necessary to be online monitored.
在炼油过程中,通常需要对产品的关键品质比如汽油辛烷值或柴油十六烷值等进行在线监测。 dictall

The knock testing unit is a kind of special equipment used to test the knock characteristics of motor fuels by the research octane number and motor octane number.
辛烷值试验机是测定汽油的马达法和研究法辛烷值的大型专用设备。 dictall

The alkene content in gasoline can be reduced, and its octane number can be raised by adding DS Z3 catalyst in catalytic cracking process.
此外,使用催化裂化脱硫催化剂 DS Z3还可以使汽油在烯烃含量下降的同时,辛烷值有所增加。 cnki

The new methods for producing the components which will enhance the octane number of gasoline are introduced.
介绍了生产高辛烷值汽油调合组分的两种新方法的工艺和特点。 cnki

The propylene content in feedstock, when less than2%, has little effect on the octane number of the alkylate.
进料中丙烯含量小于2%时,对烷基化油辛烷值影响不大; cnki

Octane number is one of the most important properties of gasoline, and gasoline is divided into different brands based on octane number.
作为成品汽油的关键质量指标之一,汽油辛烷值直接表征汽油的抗爆性能,根据辛烷值大小划分成不同的汽油牌号。 cnki

Ethyl tert butyl ether ETBE is a good additive for gasoline with high octane number.
乙基叔丁基醚 ETBE是一种性能优良的高辛烷值汽油调和组分。 cnki

It is good for on-line octane number control and the recipe optimization of gasoline blending and economic effect has been obtained.
该系统在中石化天津炼油厂和洛阳炼油厂的实际应用中很好地解决了调合过程的辛烷值控制及优化问题,取得了较好的经济效益。 chemyq

Meanwhile, coke yield increase and octane number loss should be considered when reducing olefins through hydrogen transfer reactions.
同时,在加强氢转移反应减少烯烃时,还需考虑焦炭选择性变差和汽油辛烷值下降的问题。 cnki

The catalyst can be utilized to process heavy distilled oil to achieve maximum low-carbon iso- olefins and high octane number gasoline.
该催化剂可采用重质馏分油在生产高辛烷值汽油的同时最大限度的生产低碳异构烯烃。 oinsite

The distillate oil from coal liquefaction is the most suitable for production of high octane number gasoline, high quality jet fuel and BTX reforming feedstock.
煤直接液化的馏分油最适宜生产高辛烷值汽油、优质喷气燃料和催化重整制取芳烃原料油。 cnki

What does“ octane number” mean?
什么是“辛烷值”是什么意思? yirentuan

With the development of motor industry and increase of sense of protecting environment, each country proposes higher request on octane number.
随着汽车工业的发展及环保意识的增强,各国都对汽油辛烷值提出了更高的要求。 cnki




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