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释义 OCLCBNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
And I'm not just saying that because OCLC's Web-scale strategy was a central part of the discussion.
我不是说,原因只是因为 OCLC网络级战略是这次会议的核心议题。 yeeyan

From one perspective, this strengthens OCLC’s position as a cooperative to deliver services to its members.
一方面,这加强了它们作为合作者、向其成员提供服务的身份。 yeeyan

I learned all about OCLC when I worked on the online library catalog, because OCLC catalogs books and provides services to libraries everywhere.
当我在参与在线图书馆编目项目时深入了解了 OCLC,因为 OCLC一直被用于编目书籍和向图书馆提供服务。 infoq

The continued involvement of OCLC members is crucial to the success of Web- scale Management Services, according to Mr. Van Charldorp.
Van Charldorp先生表示, OCLC成员的持续参与是网络规模级管理服务成功的关键。

The DOI foundation provides policies, registration services, and HTTP redirection services similar to PURL providers like OCLC.
DOI基金会像 PURL提供者如 OCLC一样提供策略、注册服务和 HTTP重定向服务。 ibm

As I looked at a tool list website, the letters“ OCLC” catch my eye.
当我查看工具列表网站时,“ OCLC”几个字母吸引了我的眼球。 infoq

For the past year, OCLC has worked with an Advisory Council of libraries to help guide efforts to build these innovative new services for libraries.
在过去的一年, OCLC与图书馆咨询委员会合作,共同为图书馆指导建立创新服务。

Given the resources being brought to bear on the book metadata by OCLC, Google and others, should libraries be doing cataloguing at all?
考虑到 OCLC、 Google和其他机构都投入了大量资源从事图书元数据的工作,图书馆是否还应当进行编目工作? yeeyan

However, I am not completely happy to see that it is hosted and implemented by OCLC.
但是看到它是由 OCLC主办并且付诸实践的,我并不是很高兴。 yeeyan

I just got back from the first ever OCLC EMEA Regional Council meeting in The Netherlands.
我刚参加了 OCLC有史以来的第一次 EMEA区域委员会的会议,从荷兰回来。 yeeyan

In a blog post, she went on to question whether Google Book Search had a contract with OCLC and whether it had any restrictions.
在一篇日志中,她继续质疑 Google图书搜索是否真的和 OCLC有合作的关系,以及 OCLC是否为使用这些数据设置了任何限制。 yeeyan

Interestingly enough, VIAF is hosted and implemented by OCLC.
有趣的是, VIAF是由 OCLC主办并且实施的。 yeeyan

None of the records are derived from OCLC or other organizations that assert ownership or restrictions in terms of use.
而且数据库中没有一条数据来自于 OCLC或者其他宣称拥有数据或者限制数据使用的组织。 yeeyan

Prior to this year, most competitors have been absorbed into OCLC through a series of business acquisitions.
今年以前, OCLC通过一系列商业收购吸收了绝大多数竞争者。 yeeyan

Similarly, “ identifiers” such as ISBN, OCLC number, LCCN, and library barcode number are used as key strings but are only identity indicators with varying strengths.
相似的,像 ISBN、 OCLC控制号、 LCCN以及图书馆条码号这些“识别符”都是重要的字符串,它们都是识别的指示符,但是作用的大小各有不同。 yeeyan

That same year Bibliocentre, an organization that provided cataloging services to community colleges in Ontario, became part of OCLC.
在同一年,Bibliocentre也成为 OCLC的一部分,这个组织之前向安大略省的社区大学提供编目服务。 yeeyan

This paper introduces the history of OCLCOnline Computer Library Center, analyses the causes of its success, and advances some suggestions on how to develop China's virtual library.
本文介绍了 OCLC的发展历史,分析了其成功的原因,并就如何发展全国性虚拟图书馆提出了几点建议。 cnki

This meeting was the best I have ever seen for non- US participants and members for OCLC.
这是我见过 OCLC最棒的一次非美国参与者和成员的会议。 yeeyan

We are well aware that many in the library community are paying close attention to what OCLC does with respect to RDA.
我们完全知道图书馆界的许多人都在密切关注 OCLC就 RDA做了什么。 yeeyan

OCLC has proven software for matching and linking authority records for personal names.
OCLC已经验证了软件,用来匹配并且链接个人姓名的规范记录。 yeeyan

OCLC is working to connect these data silos.
OCLC正在努力把这些数据的竖井连接起来。 yeeyan

OCLC says the review board will submit a new draft policy to its leadership for approval“in midyear2010.”
OCLC说,审查委员会将提交一份新的政策草案提供给其领导在“2010年中”批准。 yeeyan




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