

单词 occupies
释义 oc·cu·py 英'ɒkjupaɪ美'ɑːkjupaɪ COCA¹⁵⁹⁷⁷BNC¹¹⁶⁴¹Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
vt. 居住,拥有

live or be in possession of a house, farm, etc.

vt. 占据; 担任

take and keep possession of towns, countries, etc. in war; hold the post of

vt. 使从事

cause to engage in

keep busy with;

She busies herself with her butterfly collection

live in a certain place;

She resides in Princeton

he occupies two rooms on the top floor

occupy the whole of;

The liquid fills the container

be on the mind of;

I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift

march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation;

Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939

require time or space;

It took three hours to get to work this morning

This event occupied a very short time

consume all of one's attention or time;

Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely

assume, as of positions or roles;

She took the job as director of development

he occupies the position of manager

the young prince will soon occupy the throne

occupy, have, have got, hold, own


1.have既可指有生命物及无生命物之间的所属关系,也可指部分与整体的关系,或指精神上、身体上的特点; have got与have意义相同,但在口语中比have用得广泛; own则指具有在法律上的所有权,即使不在身边的东西,只要拥有法律上的所有权,就应用own; hold语气较强,有占据、控制、抓住〔保持〕住某物的意思; 而occupy则指占有空间、时间或占领、占据某地,或拥有某种职务或地位等。例如:

I didn't have the books that she asked for.我没有她所要的书。
Your books have got all over the place.你的书到处都是。
They don't hold the power to hire or fire at will.他们没有雇用或随意解雇的权力。
Enemy troops occupied the country.敌军占领了这个国家。


These enterprises are owned by him.这些企业是属于他的。1340年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的occuper;最初源自古典拉丁语的occupare,意为占据,掌握,拥有,占用。
用作动词 v.
~+名词occupy an apartment住进住所occupy sb's attention引起某人的注意occupy a country占领一个国家occupy the front row of seats占据了前排位置occupy sb's house租用某人的房子occupy an important place发挥重要作用occupy an important post占据重要位置occupy sb's mind萦绕在某人的心头occupy most of the room塞满了空间occupy a place占据一方occupy some position担任某职务occupy sb's time占用某人的时间~+副词occupy busily忙着做occupy deeply深深地占据着occupy densely忙着做occupy extensively广泛地从事occupy fully忙得不可开交occupy mainly主要从事occupy profitably经营获利occupy profoundly全力从事occupy solely全力从事occupy strenuously强有力地占据着occupy wholly全力从事~+介词occupy about忙于,从事于occupy by troops军队占领occupy in忙于,从事于occupy oneself in sth从事〔忙于〕某事occupy in thinking沉思着occupy with全力从事occupy with chores忙于家务琐事occupy with literary work从事文学工作occupy with some work忙着做某项工作
occupy in〔with〕 v.+prep.

从事于; 忙于 engage in (doing sth; busy oneself in doing sth)

occupy oneself in〔with〕 v-ingHe occupied himself in collecting stamps.他忙于集邮。
They are occupying themselves in growing their own food.他们自己正忙于种植自己所需的粮食。
Haas occupied himself in writing his research paper.哈斯忙于写他的调查报告。
Jacelin occupied himself with solving some geometry problems.杰斯林专心于解决一些几何问题。
Some occupied themselves with studying English.有几个人在学英语。
He has been deeply occupied in listening to a tape.他一直在忙于专心听录音。
He was occupied in writing letters.他忙于写信。
Many people in this area are occupied with agriculture.这一地区许多人从事农业。
Some students were occupied with reviewing their lessons.有几个学生在复习功课。近义词 be有take拿use使用rule规则busy忙的fill装满hold拿着live活着work工作stay停留have已经seize抓住lodge小屋amuse娱乐immerse浸dwell居住in在 … 里worry撕咬engage雇佣absorb吸收divert转移reside居住locate找出settle解决employ雇佣defeat挫败arrest逮捕inhere固有use up用完invade侵略conquer征服live in住进take up拿起capture捕获concern关心possess拥有beguile诱骗subject话题control掌控pervade弥漫involve包含interest兴趣dominate支配permeate弥漫lodge in住进inhabit居住于entertain娱乐subjugate征服reside in存在preoccupy先占oppress使烦恼overthrow推翻take over接收over在 … 的上方…engross使全神贯注dwell in居住在留居在…
S+~+ n./pron.He and his family occupy the house.他同他的全家住在这所房子里。
Enemy troops occupied the country.敌军占领了这个国家。
Our army occupied the enemy's fort.我军攻占了敌方要塞。
They said that women occupy the lowest positions in the teaching profession.他们说在教师职业中妇女职位最低。
These books occupy a lot of space.这些书占了很大地方。
The factory occupies four acres of ground.该工厂占地4英亩。
The dinner and speeches occupied more than three hours.宴会和演讲占了三个多小时。
The news program occupies a whole hour every evening.这一新闻节目每晚占整整一小时。
Mr. White occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.怀特先生在教育部里担任要职。
Cares and anxieties occupied her mind.操心与忧虑盘踞在她的心头。


occupy只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。occupy常用于occupy oneself in/with v -ing句型中表示“从事于”“忙于”,可用于被动结构。

用作及物动词Is that seatoccupied?那个座位有人吗?
Readingoccupiesmost of my free time.阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
Weoccupythe farm and raise a lot of poultry.我们拥有这个农场并养着许多家禽。
The enemyoccupiedthe town.敌人占据了这个城镇。
Our army won the battle andoccupiedthe upland.我军在战斗中取得胜利并成功地占领了那片小高地。
These peopleoccupyan inferior position in local society.这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。
Members of the groupoccupypositions of power in the country.那个组织的成员在该国从事着位高权重的工作。
Her time is fullyoccupiedwith her three children.她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上了。
She is now fullyoccupiedwith her homework.她现在在专心致志地做家庭作业。verb.be busy with
同义词 attend,employ,fill,involve,take upabsorb,amuse,busy,divert,engage,engross,entertain,immerse,interest,monopolize,preoccupy,soak,utilizebe active with,be concerned with,hold attention,keep busy,tie up
反义词 ignore,anger,bore,dry,eject,forget,refuse,reject,tire,upsetbe inactive,be lazy,idle,not use,surrender,yieldverb.reside;use
同义词 own,populate,sit,keep,cover,stay,maintain,involve,remain,take up,inhabit,hold,establish,fillpermeate,people,utilize,pervade,ensconce,dwell,tenant,possessbe established,be in command,be in residence,live in
反义词 yield,not use,idle,be lazy,be inactivemove,depart,leave,go,forget,neglect,abandon,let go,cancelsurrenderdesert,exclude,ignore,releaseverb.seize, take over
同义词 capture,keep,conquer,hold,invade,overrungarrison,obtaintake possession
反义词 not use,idle,be lazy,be inactiveyield,abandon,give up,lose,let go,surrender,retreat,release The more methods compiled, the more memory the code occupies.
编译的方法越多,代码占用的内存就越多。 ibm

The site occupies21 hectares52 acres along the Yongning River, the mother river of the historical city of Huangyan on the east coast.
永宁河正是黄岩的母亲河。 公园占地21公顷52英亩,傍河而立,河东岸即是历史名城黄岩。 yeeyan

The invoke action cannot run with the other actions; it occupies the whole action section by itself.
调用操作无法与其他操作一起运行;它独自占据整个操作部分。 ibm

The kingdom occupies80% of the Arabian Peninsula.
王国占有阿拉伯半岛中的80%领域。 ebigear

Air not only occupies space but it also has weight.

Aircraft construction laboratory is one of the biggest in the university and it occupies a room of the size of a big auditorium.
飞机结构实验室是这个大学最大的一个实验室,它占据了一个大礼堂大小的空间。 yeeyan

Although the Fed occupies only one seat, it is the most influential participant.
尽管美联储只占了一个席位,可他是当中最有影响力的成员。 ecocn

But he occupies a different position in the scheme of things.
但他在这整个一连串的事件里占据一个不同位置。 yeeyan

He occupies the largest office on the Pentagon’s outermost E-ring.
他占据了五角大楼最外层 E环的最大的办公室。 yeeyan

He occupies four rent- controlled apartments in New York, courtesy of a developer.
他占据了开发商奉送的纽约四个租金受管制的公寓。 ecocn

I have important work, which occupies every minute I have.
我有重要的工作,它占据了我全部的时间。 edu.sina.com.cn

It boasts a big, bright color9.7-inch screen that occupies most of the front.
它硕大、明亮的彩色9.7英寸屏幕占据了正面的大部分面积。 voa365

MANY countries have a union, or even two, in their history, and for some it occupies a central place.
在许多国家的历史长河中都有一次联盟,甚至两次;有些国家中,这还占据中心地位。 ecocn

My creative self expression occupies my mind and I barely have any part of my mind left to think about the tool.
我创造性的自我表达占据了我全部的思想,找不到任何空间留给我去想那个工具了。 yeeyan

Nuclear power, in fact, occupies a special place in planning history.
事实上,核电在规划史上占了一个特殊的位置。 ecocn

The suite occupies the entire top floor of the hotel.
这个套房占据了整个酒店的顶层。 yeeyan

There is much the UN Security Council will never be able to do, no matter who occupies its plushest seats.
有很多事情,安理会是永远也不可能做得了的,不管谁占着那最重要的位子。 ecocn

This typically only occupies two or three floppy disks in total.
这种发行的操作系统大小只占两个或三个软盘。 yeeyan




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